- The Washington Times - Saturday, October 15, 2022

Democrats believe that a subpoena to Donald Trump, on the tail of ten public January 6 committee hearings, will be the final, dramatic moment voters around the United States say, hey, you’re right, Dems, we do hate The Donald and we’re going to vote against all Republicans, especially America First Republicans, this coming November.

But nobody cares about January 6. Not really.

“Inflation is busting bank accounts across America. Cash-strapped voters vent frustrations,” Fox News reported in a recent headline.

That’s what’s occupying the minds of most Americans — inflation and the economy. Inflation, the economy, the cost of food and gas, the empty store shelves and still-hard-to-find items, like baby formula. Crime and rising crime statistics. And oh yes, the border, which is to say under Democrats, is no border at all.

But Democrats have no answer to these issues. In fact, Democrats are the cause of all the problems with these issues. So they choose to deflect by chasing January 6 ghosts.

They’re hoping a big circus act showdown between chastising, finger-waving, indignantly self-righteous and outraged leftists on Capitol Hill and Trump will bring a whole batch of MAGA-hating voters to the ballot boxes to stamp out any remaining DJT stink from the political system. In their delusional dreams, they also imagine a Trump of cowed and submissive nature, head dropped, eyes rimmed with tears, humiliated and defeated by the heroic Democrat doers-of-justice. 

This is so stupid a new word for stupid needs to be invented just to describe this January 6 situation.

“Jan. 6 committee votes to subpoena Trump,” CNN wrote, in the latest of many, many, ad nauseam many pieces on the Jan. 6 hearings.

Of course the committee did. 

That was the committee’s plan all along.

It was also the committee’s plan all along to bring forth the subpoena chit-chat during the final day countdowns to crucial midterm elections. True or not, realized or not, all talk about a subpoena of Trump gives the left plenty of Twitter fodder to feed their low-information, no-information trolls for endless retweeting — and the ensuing social media hype that develops gives the left’s water carriers in mainstream media plenty of pickin’s for drive time discussions.

The Trump subpoena then becomes the behemoth of distraction the Democrats need to keep voters’ minds off gas prices. But it’s all so devoid of truth and substance.

Look at some of the stupid: “[I]n the roughly three months since the last hearing, the panel has obtained more than 1 million records from the Secret Service. These messages revealed agents spotted numerous guns in the crowd the morning of Jan. 6 before Trump was set to speak at the Ellipse. Agents were also aware of the involvement of right-wing groups,” CNN reported.

One! Million! Records! Wow. That’s gotta mean something. Right? Never mind that Secret Service supposedly saw guns — and did nothing? Never mind Secret Service knew of the supposed “right-wing” dangers of this crowd — and did nothing? Nothing — after spates of previous violence unleashed by Black Lives Matter, by antifa, by defund the police angry crowds targeting even a senator of the United States and his wife, Rand and Kelley Paul? 

Seems Secret Service ought to be subpoenaed. But no doubt, suggesting such is racist. Or dangerous. Or both. Same with uttering the name Ashli Babbitt. Shhh.

Don’t ask; we’ll tell. That seems the Democrats’ playbook for January 6 hearings.

And while headlines from some media outlets, post-hearings, screamed about the large numbers of Americans who turned their television sets to Capitol Hill to hear the latest of the Democrats’ investigations — 20 million tuned in for the June hearing, USA Today wrote; nearly 17.7 million watched another in July, The Washington Post reported — fact is: watchers didn’t glean much information that changed their minds.

Democrats still hate Trump.

Republicans still like Trump.

Conservatives still think Democrats are engaging in witch hunts. ‘Cause they are, by the way.

In June, a Politico/Morning Consult poll found only 40% of Americans said the January 6 attacks were significant in terms of shifting their views of politics, politicians and the political issues.

In June, too, Brookings wrote this: “About 6 in 10 Americans say that they are closely following ‘news’ about the January 6 committee, but only one-third are closely following the committee hearings, and even fewer are watching them, even in part.”

Nobody’s watching. Nobody cares.

Most sane politicians would rethink, reboot and switch gears — perhaps by talking about issues that matter most to voters. But then again, Democrats aren’t really sane.

They’re so determined to trot out Trump for a perp walk of shame they can’t see straight. They’re suffering from delusions. They’re fending off Trump Derangement Syndrome. They’re battling the bubbles of inside-the-Beltway politicking.

They’re the new definition of stupid.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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