- The Washington Times - Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Jennifer-Ruth Green is running as a Republican for the congressional seat currently held by Rep. Frank Mrvan, Indiana Democrat. Turns out, she’s a survivor of sexual assault.

But we wouldn’t know that if the Democrats and their water carriers in the media hadn’t perused her military records and, over her objections and pleas for privacy, pushed that bit of info into the public domain.

Democrats will exploit anything if they think it will win them political favor.

“Disgraceful tactics,” tweeted Sen. Tom Cotton, Arkansas Republican.

Indeed. But this is what Democrats do. Their comfort zone is the mud.

The backstory is this: Politico wrote a profile piece on Green that included a mention of a sexual assault she suffered while serving in Iraq in the U.S. Air Force. Green and her campaign pleaded with Politico to keep private the assault. Politico did not. And after the fact, another question emerged about Politico’s report — namely, how were Green’s records obtained, anyway?

Politico said the records came by way of a public records’ request. Green accused they were obtained “illegally,” from Mrvan’s campaign.

Either way — the stench of dirty politics wafts in the air.

As former State Department spokesperson Morgan Ortagus tweeted, “I had to re-read the [Politico] story a few times because I was so genuinely shocked by it. No woman should have to disclose and relive details about her sexual assault because the media and a political opponent decided to use it against her.”

This is true.

But what’s also true is leftists only care about moral compasses when they point in the same direction as the political opportunities they’re busily pursuing.

For instance, if Hunter Biden pawns a laptop that contains information that could be damaging to the future president of the United States, the Democrats’ friends in the press and allies in social media see no rush to report.

When Joe Biden’s presidential law enforcement storm-troop into Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home and rifle through the clothing of his former first lady wife, Melania, and remove boxes and boxes and boxes of documents and objects for review, the Democrats and their friends in the media see no need to question these actions — or even call into question the constitutional offenses for such a shockingly partisan hunt.

As Democrats under this horrible Biden administration continue to open borders wide to illegals and flood the country with who-knows-who from who-knows-where, where’s the drumbeat of media coverage about the destruction of American citizens’ properties; the overburdening of American schools and local governments; the rising crime and disease rates — particularly, COVID-19 rates? Crickets.

Crickets — until some Republican governors started sending a handful or two of these illegals to Democratic-dominated and sanctuary community areas, especially where the rich and elite like to live. Martha’s Vineyard never saw so much press excitement as when an airplane of entitlement-seeking illegals landed locally, courtesy Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.

But Green as a victim of sexual assault?

Well, that’s newsworthy.

That’s pertinent to the political world.

The people really need to know that — particularly, no, make that primarily because she’s a Republican. 

“The reality of it is — like I said at one point in my life to my assailant, ‘No. Please stop. Don’t.’ — and he did what he wanted to do … This is the exact same situation all over again, all because there was a man who wanted some sort of gratification,” she said to Fox News.

Most people sense the pain in Green’s words and feel compassion.

Democrats? Too many of today’s Democrats sense that very same pain and see only political gain. 

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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