If it weren’t so serious, I’d find President Biden’s recent acknowledgement that he could be impeached following the midterms comical. 

If they so wanted, the GOP could impeach Biden on the same frivolous charge the Democrats used to charge Trump: the quid pro quo of trying to extort a political favor by withholding financial aid to Ukraine. The only difference is that Biden is on videotape bragging about it. And this would surely implicate Obama, too.

But the far more pressing matter at hand is Biden’s complete dereliction of duty in surrendering America’s sovereignty on our southern border. Never before in our history has a president been so indifferent about defending our border by allowing millions of illegal aliens to flood our country, along with deadly drugs, sex traffickers and potential terrorist attacks with death tolls that could easily dwarf that of 9/11.

This is such an abomination of his presidential oath to “preserve, defend and protect” America from mayhem and ruin that his impeachment trial wouldn’t last but a few days before the overwhelming verdict of guilty was rendered.

And surrendering America’s energy independence — an independence for which the past dozen U.S. presidents strived but only Donald Trump achieved — is another slam-dunk impeachable charge. Isn’t it the president’s job to raise American’s standard of living, not to trigger an inflation that erodes it?

Finally, the fourth impeachable offense is Biden’s complete obliviousness to these three offenses . It  illustrates just how mentally compromised (and unfit for office) he is.


Medford, New York

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