As President Reagan said, “I didn’t leave the Democratic Party, the Democratic Party left me.” I am a new member of the Republican Party, and as such the Gipper’s words resonate deeply in my mind and heart.

In 2022, the U.S. stands at the precipice of extremism, one catalyzed by the decades-long spread of political polarization. Will we succumb to the ruinous depredations of this disease or summon the intestinal fortitude to save our democratic republic? Since Jan. 6, 2021, we have been led to believe that the Republican Party represents extremism in our nation. However, after two years of one-party, Democratic rule, it is evident to every honest soul that the Democrats are the true radicals.

Over the course of the past 730 days, these contemporary communists have catapulted crime and costs to historically high levels, cratered our economy, abandoned American energy independence and forsaken our national sovereignty by opening our borders. The Democrats perpetuated the ascendance of the Chinese Communist Party, failed to deter Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, oversaw an embarrassingly catastrophic military withdrawal from Afghanistan and presided over a Marxist-style cultural takeover of our schools, streets and species. Who are the extremists now?

We must vote for Republicans at every level of government. As much as I agree with Reagan’s statement regarding the Democratic Party, the stakes of the midterm election present a more fundamental question than “Are you better off than you were two years ago?” This time, we must ask ourselves, “Is this the kind of future that we want to inherit to our children?”


Washington, D.C. 

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