Transport via railroad is one of the most critical ways of shipping large quantities of goods  and people — within North America (“Train union down on Biden for pushing Congress to avert strike,” Web, Nov. 29). A nationwide rail strike would cripple this means of transport, which would be devastating to the U.S. economy and our neighbors.

That said, using heavy-handed congressional edicts to “solve” what is essentially a private, free-market issue will foster deep enmity that will linger for years. Why? The worker’s right to a fair wage amidst growing inflation and sick time will basically be ignored.

Instead of resorting to this kind of desperate action, President Biden should redirect the billions of dollars in military “aid” to Ukraine (which will only provoke a third world war with Russia) toward paying rail workers a fair and decent wage and allowing them sick time. This would recognize their critical importance to our economy. I feel badly about what is happening to Ukraine, but we must deal with our domestic problems first to avert a looming disaster.

Henderson, Nevada

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