- The Washington Times - Thursday, November 24, 2022

A few weeks ago, a shattering news item sneaked in beneath America’s media radar that went like this: “China, Saudi Arabia Announce Massive Strategic Partnership Energy Agreement” — a headline from www.SilkRoadBriefing.com that shows the alarming speed at which the CCP is spreading its tentacles of influence around the world, all while Joe Biden’s presidency sleeps, it seems.

China marches on. America, under a feckless administration, snores. It’s twelfth hour time on the liberty bell. May God save America.

‘Cause the feckless Biden administration sure isn’t.

China’s Belt and Road Initiative, BRI, also known as One Belt One Road, OBOR, is the communist country’s strategic plan for world dominance, one which President Xi Jinping is intent on realizing in just a handful of coming years. It’s billed by advocates as a simple infrastructure project; the CCP’s kind and gentlemanly way of helping ailing countries develop their economies. But it’s really an aggressive cultural, political and military operation aimed at placing a communist yoke about the necks of nations that accept China’s financial aid. Take the money? Take, too, what the communist country dishes. Economic reliance is such a powerful tool to wield — and no country knows that better than America, actually. 

As reported by the American Foreign Service Association, between 1792 and 1793, thousands of refugees from what’s now known as Haiti fled to the United States in the quest for freedom, with the support of then-Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton and the financing of a specially created relief fund from Congress. Between 1798 and 1801, then-President John Adams, in partnership with Haiti’s leader Toussaint L’Ouverture, opened the doors for the creation of a Black Republic — funded and militarily supported by the United States. In 1812, Congress approved $50,000 for flour for earthquake victims in Venezuela, with an accompanying message of intent to forge “friendship” and “commerce” between the two nations, as the AFSA wrote. In other words, from early days to present day, America has used financial aid to foster economic partnerships with other nations — while also spreading the ideals of American freedoms. 

China is now beating us at this game.

And it’s all to America’s detriment. 

If America the free cedes the world stage to China the unfree, it won’t be long before nations of the world start toeing a communist line. It’s happening. It’s already happening.

“Saudi Arabia, China agree on coordination investments in BRI states,” Zawya reported in late October. 

The story went on to note how the “proposed cooperation aims to ensure oil supply and demand security to BRI countries” and included this quote, from Saudi Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman, the nation’s energy minister: “China is the number one export destination for the oil Kingdom’s exports. The Kingdom will continue to be its reliable and trusted partner.”

The promise of continued oil for nations that China has brought into its OBOR initiative is all the more weighty given Biden’s failure to smooth ruffled Saudi feathers in his two years of White House leadership, and inability to convince the Kingdom to ramp up oil production. As The Nation aptly described it, in a piece titled, “Biden’s Embarrassing Saudi Failure,” posted in late October: “[A]t a White House event promoting vaccination, President Joe Biden was asked by a reporter, ‘What’s your reaction to the Saudis on oil urging the U.S. not to use the reserves?’ Biden paused. The silence lasted long enough for a second reporter to start asking another question. Then Biden smiled and addressed the first reporter, saying, ‘Get your Covid shot.’”

The only thing missing was his ice cream cone.

“We handed our ally KSA to China,” said Rear Adm. Michael Hewitt (retired), in an email. “There are consequences to the leadership void created and then when we try to bully them around.”

If this administration won’t take serious the threat from China, and the rapidly expanding perils of the OBOR plan for communist dominance of the world, then the fate of freedoms in America and around the globe bodes poorly. Darkly, even.

“Xi says China to consider holding Belt & Road Forum in 2023,” Reuters just reported.

This would be the country’s third such gathering aimed at bolstering international participation in the plan. Then there’s this, a November piece posted at Eng.Belta.By, amid the ongoing geographically adjacent Russia-Ukraine turmoil: “Belarus touted as Belt and Road’s anchor point.” 

More than 65% of railway containers shipped between China and Europe pass through Belarus. Not to understate, but it’s an area that’s rife with the potential to spread political influences and compel cultural reforms.

Quoted by BelTA was a Belarus ambassador to China, Yuri Senko, who said: “A milestone event has taken place recently, which will undoubtedly open a new page in the history of Belarusian-Chinese cooperation. Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko and Chinese President Xi Jinping signed a joint declaration in Samarkand on the establishment of a unique level of relations between the countries — all weather and all-round strategic cooperation.”

Don’t expect the Biden administration to counter this cooperation in any meaningful way.

“Who owns Burisma?” DW.com asked in a headline way back in 2014. 

“The appointment of Joe Biden’s son to the board of Ukrainian gas firm Burisma has raised eyebrows the world over. The names of the company’s actual owners are being protected like state secrets,” DW.com went on to write, before sliding in this notable coincidence: “London-based PR firm Bell Pottinger handlers Burisma’s media relations … Prominent customers in recent years include Asma Assad, the life of the Syrian president, and the government of Belarus.”

Ties that bind?

Who knows. China is to Belarus is to Hunter Biden is to Burisma is to a big public relations bow on the wrapping called OBOR — all to be fueled with Saudi oil. It’s a convoluted, complicated chain and train. But one fact is irrefutable.

Under this White House, the influence, power and spread of communist rot have grown. Under this Biden administration, China is steadily advancing, while America is just as steadily receding.

“In March 2022, the number of countries that have joined the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) by signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with China is 147,” Green Finance & Development Center wrote

God save America. May God save America. ‘Cause this feckless administration seems to be doing everything in its power to — not.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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