- The Washington Times - Thursday, November 24, 2022

“In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” — 1 Thessalonians 5:18

There is so much in the Bible to be grateful for, but this passage really might top the list.

It is final proof that you don’t have to be a leading Christian theologian to appreciate the profound wisdom in the Bible. In addition to providing the one true path to everlasting life, the everyday teachings of Christ make a wretched world much more splendid to live in while we are here.

Those words should be chiseled above the doorway of every public school in America. Everyone would be so much happier.

In every thing, give thanks. That means the good. And the bad. No matter how bad something is or how miserable life may seem, give thanks in it. It’s a pretty radical concept actually.

It is, after all, “the will of God.” At least, “concerning you.”

So, when all the bad is coming your way, your responsibility — the part “concerning you” — is to focus on the gratitude. This is the genius of the first Thanksgiving. Early American pioneers. And the Founding.

Live in gratitude. Instantly, the life you have gets better. And it trains you to more quickly see all the opportunities around you to make your life even better.

And if you cannot find something to be grateful for, keep looking. After all, it’s all around you. Even the bad stuff.

Even death. Be grateful.

In every thing, give thanks.

In politics, it can be a struggle to muster gratitude. Only the tax collectors bear more scorn than the politician in the Bible.

Still, give thanks.

The midterm elections did not turn out quite the way we expected, perhaps they are one more confirmation that God really doesn’t care so much about all our partisan squabbles. But, still, give thanks.

So, here’s a partial list of things we can all be grateful for:

One of the most heinous Supreme Court decisions in U.S. history got overturned this summer. Roe v. Wade manufactured a fake constitutional right to abortion and for a half-century sidelined a profound moral debate about when life begins. (HINT: It does not begin the moment a baby coughs her first breath into a nurse’s arms.)

Whether you are appalled by the abortion industry or simply prefer sound constitutional reasoning, overturning Roe v. Wade is a victory all Americans can be grateful for.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi made history this year. She became the first woman in U.S. history to lose the House speakership — twice! We should erect a statue to her on this momentous occasion, for which we can all be grateful.

The great marble statue could depict her handing the Speaker’s gavel to Republicans.

Give thanks.

Though the much-ballyhooed “red wave” did not materialize for most of the country, it swelled high and crashed bigly in two important states: Florida and New York.

One reason it crashed in Florida is that so many New Yorkers had fled to the free Sunshine state from New York. And, yet, the red wave still crashed in New York, even though so many sensible people had fled the state.

But here is the real blessing. Going back 150 years, Democrats have perfected the political dark art of weaponizing race, ethnicity and religion to divide voters and pit them against one another. It is a powerful — and easy — trick. That is why it is the favorite tactic of warlords in Third World countries.

Anyhoo, the latest midterm elections showed just how much Democrats are losing their ability to terrorize voters with racial hatred, which they call “identity politics.” (Just like “reproductive health care” at abortion clinics and “gender-affirming care” at the children’s hospital where they perform genital mutilation, Democrats love to make up sterilized terms.)

We first started seeing the cracks among Hispanic voters along the Texas border who voted for President Donald Trump because they value border security more than they do segregated voting. The same happened when Virginia voters came out in favor of Gov. Glenn Youngkin and his education reforms.

Same with voters in New York this past election, who cast their ballots for Republican Lee Zeldin because of crime. And voters in Florida, who cast their ballots for Gov. Ron DeSantis because, well, everything.

These are just a few of the things in America today for which we should give thanks.

Indeed, in every thing, give thanks. Even the snakes. And the graves you must dig.

Happy Thanksgiving.

• Charles Hurt is the opinion editor at The Washington Times.

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