- The Washington Times - Thursday, November 17, 2022

A new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine based on research conducted by so-called scientists says universal face-masking of children in schools can help fight racism.

Really. (Insert sarcasm here.)

Universal face-masking forever, here we come.

From the study’s results section: “Our results support universal masking as an important strategy for reducing Covid-19 incidence in schools and loss of in-person school days. As such, we believe that universal masking may be especially useful for mitigating effects of structural racism in schools, including [the] potential deepening of educational inequities.”

This isn’t just stupid.

This is cultural Marxism.

Why are leftists so in love with never-ending face masking?

In a word: Control.

It’s very difficult to gather in a group to exercise a First Amendment freedom to protest the government and demand redress of grievances when faces are stuffed into masks. The whole “I am American, hear me roar” message sort of gets watered and stifled. Democrats know this. Democrats love this. They know and love the fact that face-masking is a not-so-subtle way of quieting the people — controlling the people — and more importantly, more specifically, quieting and controlling the conservative people.

They also know that their particular political tools of useful idiocy aren’t going to obey any face mask mandates, anyway — unless they choose to, that is. Remember the heyday of forced face-masking, when Americans of all ages, all communities, all around the country were told to cover up or stay home? And even then — some bureaucrats wanted masks at home as well?

The calls for universal masking weren’t exactly universally enforced or pushed.

“Shoppers Should Wear Masks. Shouldn’t Protesters, Too?” one New York Times headline ran in July 2020, based on a reader’s letter to the paper that included this observation: “[P]rotesters in the Black Lives Matter movement seem to get a free pass on not wearing [face masks].”

Regardless, the left now wants to take face-masking to the next level — the one where kids in public schools are indoctrinated to believe that those who refuse to cover their faces are actually failing to fight racism; are actually promoting racism; are actually, by logical extension, racists.

“During the Covid-19 pandemic, schools have become an important setting for implementing policies that minimize inequitable health, educational, social and economic effects on children and their families,” the study states.

“However, even before the pandemic, schools were not uniformly health-promoting environments,” the study further states.

“Chronic underinvestment in combination with structural racism codified ins Tate-sanctioned historical and contemporary policies and practices … eroded tax bases in some school districts and shaped the quality of public school infrastructure and associated environmental hazards,” the study additionally states.

“These processes left school districts differentially equipped to respond to the Covid-19 pandemic and concentrated high-risk conductions, such as crowded classrooms and poor indoor air quality due to outdated or absent ventilation or filtration systems, in low-income and Black, Latino and Indigenous communities,” the study states.

So forcing students into face masks is the great equalizer, the study authors conclude.

It’s the path of enlightenment.

It’s the road to less racism.

This is ridiculous.

Face-masking forever: The left is coming for America’s youth. The race card, in reference to face masks, has finally been thrown. And if patriotic parents don’t unite in the fight for their children’s constitutional rights, God-given liberties and freedom to choose and self-govern, the America of tomorrow will be more like China; more like a communist country; more based on collectivism than rugged individualism. America will be crumbled from within.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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