- The Washington Times - Monday, May 9, 2022

So the average price of gas is $5.92 per gallon in Sonoma, California, as of Monday according to GasBuddy.com, a nimble and helpful industry source. The Golden State, in fact, is home to the most expensive fuel in the nation, with gas going for an average of $5.80 a gallon. Georgia boasts the lowest price at $3.85. The trends are not promising.

“For the third consecutive week, the nation’s average gas price has risen, climbing 13.6 cents from a week ago to $4.31 per gallon today according to GasBuddy data,” the watchdog said in an analysis released Monday.

AAA agrees, citing the average at $4.32, also on Monday.

Which brings us to American drivers, who likely have one hand on the wheel and the other on a credit card. Many could very well point an accusatory finger at the White House and the Democratic Party over the record-breaking gas prices.

“As Americans grapple with record high prices at the pump and the highest rate of inflation in more than four decades, a whopping 82% of likely voters say they are either ‘very’ or ‘somewhat concerned’ about rising energy and gas prices under the Biden administration” reports The Heartland Institute and Rasmussen Reports in a revealing consumer poll released Monday.

“Drill now, and drill more. The survey of 1,004 likely voters, conducted from April 28 to May 2, 2022, found that 60% favor ‘a law that would dramatically increase oil and gas drilling in the United States.’ Such a policy was favored by 76% of Republicans, 57% of Independents, and even 46% of Democrats — despite the Biden administration’s reticence to allow more domestic oil and gas exploration,” the poll said.

It also found that 52% of likely voters — including 74% of Republicans, 54% of independents and 34% of Democrats — think President Biden and Congress should focus more on increasing oil and gas drilling to help reduce energy prices rather than “limiting carbon dioxide emissions” to reduce climate change.

“The results of this poll confirm that Americans have far different priorities than the Biden administration. Americans are worried about being able to afford the fuel that they need to work and live, and they know that our current oil and gas energy infrastructure is insufficient. Despite this, the federal government continues to pursue massively damaging policies that are in direct opposition to Americans’ needs. Our elected officials should take note,” said Linnea Lueken — a research fellow at the Arthur B. Robinson Center on Climate and Environmental Policy of the Heartland Institute, a free-market think tank based in Chicago.

The fire department has a say

Even sweatshirts have been politicized in these excruciating times.

The heroic and very busy Fire Department of New York — the FDNY —  has issued a clear statement about video footage taken at a pro-choice rally that went viral for one particular reason.

“A View circulating from a protest in Manhattan over the weekend shows an individual wearing an FDNY sweatshirt,” the statement said.

“The individual in the video is not a member of the FDNY. The comments made do not represent the views of the FDNY. The matter is under investigation” the department said.

‘Are you a MAGA candidate?’

MAGA — or “Make America Great Again” — is the favorite campaign phrase of former President Donald Trump. It has also reemerged in primary elections. Let us consider Pennsylvania Senate candidate David McCormick — former CEO of the investment management firm Bridgewater Associates — who has the endorsements of such GOP heavyweights as Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas and former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. In a week, he’ll be on a primary ballot, facing Mehmet Oz, who has the endorsement of Mr. Trump.

“Dave McCormick is a nice guy but he’s not MAGA,” Mr. Trump told his audience during his most recent rally — which was in Pennsylvania.

“So, tell us, are you MAGA? Do you make America great again? Are you a MAGA candidate?” Fox Business Network host Maria Bartiromo asked Mr. McCormick in an interview Monday.  

“We’re sprinting down the home stretch here, and this is an incredibly important primary. And yes, I’m running on President Trump’s great America First agenda. I think President Trump did a great job for Pennsylvania — and I’m running as the person who’s battle-tested and Pennsylvania true and can actually win this primary, and win this race,” Mr. McCormick declared.

“It’s going to be the biggest Senate race in history. The Democrats are going to throw everything they can at it. Then someone can go to Washington with the experience and the conservative values — the America First conservative values — to actually make a big difference. So yes, I am MAGA,” the candidate advised.

Rating the conservatives

What is the ideological calling of lawmakers at the moment? The answer is an eye-opener.

“The current Congress has more conservatives in the freshmen class than almost anytime since the 1994 Gingrich Revolution,” reports the just-released 51st Edition of the Ratings of Congress, this according to the Conservative Political Action Committee — that’s CPAC, which has been compiling this rating for over five decades.

“The good news for Americans is that there are already dozens of conservative leaders in Congress, ready to implement policies that will reverse the disasters of Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi,” said CPAC Chair Matt Schlapp, in a written statement.

“These ratings are the most comprehensive measure of how committed elected officials are to advancing freedom and opportunity, and we look forward to welcoming more conservative lawmakers next year.”

Poll du jour

• 74% of U.S. adults are not confident the Biden administration is prepared to handle any increase in the number of migrants seeking to enter the U.S. if Title 42 is ended.

• 68% consider the situation at the border to be a crisis.

• 57% say it is not the “right time” to end Title 42 and return to pre-pandemic procedures.

• 54% say minimizing the number of people trying to enter the U.S. should be a higher priority in determining U.S. immigration policies.

• 45% say allowing people to seek asylum in the U.S. should be a higher priority.

Source: A CNN/SSRS poll of 1,007 U.S. adults conducted April 28-May 1.

• Helpful information to jharper@washingtontimes.com.

• Jennifer Harper can be reached at jharper@washingtontimes.com.

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