- The Washington Times - Saturday, May 7, 2022

Activists who want to keep abortion on demand alive and well in this country (forgive the word play) have set sights on the Catholic churches they see as their main impediment, and have announced plans to protest outside these places of worship on Mother’s Day (forgive the irony).

They’re railing against God.

They say they’re targeting these churches because six Supreme Court justices are “extremist” Catholics, and they want to send a message about women’s rights and civil rights and equal rights and so forth and so on and so forth once again. But what they’re really doing, at root, is railing against God.

How dare God establish standards of morality for sex? How dare God impose consequences for sinful behavior? How dare God allow men to have recreational sex without fear of pregnancy, but not women? How dare God tell me what to do?

It’s that last especially that marks all the left does to buck traditions, norms, civilized society, moral standards of behavior, Judeo-Christian values. It’s this ego-centric behavior, thought-process and rhetoric — “my, body,” “my life,” “my right,” the “I, I, I” — that on the issue of abortion, especially, are spun wildly out of control.

The pro-abortion arguments are selfish. They’re illogical. They’re evil personified.

By and large, minus the crime of rape, women don’t have to be pregnant unless they want to be pregnant. Men don’t have to impregnate a woman unless they want to impregnate a woman. Choice is involved. Personal decision-making is involved. Sex is something that doesn’t just happen — regardless of how the culture paints it, regardless of how the entertainment world portrays passion, regardless of how hormones rage. In the end, by and large, sex is a choice.

And choice carries consequences.

Sometimes, bad choices carry harsh consequences.

Today’s world doesn’t want to hear that. Today’s secular world hates to consider that. 

But let’s be serious: Abortion is a choice that more often than not, doesn’t have to be made. Abortion is the result of a world that wants to flout God’s commandments, revel in the base of humanity, and live for immediate pleasure. Abortion is an attempted cover-up to the sins of promiscuity and adultery; it’s an attempted avoidance of responsibility and accountability.

It’s rotten with lies. 

The left likes to pretend the growing life is a clump of nothingness, and that abortion is simply freedom. But modern science says otherwise; the chains of guilt and shame that often plague women who’ve aborted babies say otherwise.

Abortion fosters a culture of self-absorption, selfishness, secularism and sin. 

No wonder America’s in turmoil, divided by anger and violence and hate. A brand new Pew Research found that 61% of Americans believe abortion should be legal in most cases — a sad statistic that only underscores how far this nation has fallen in terms of godly governance, a godly culture, and a godly society; that only illuminates how tightly this country has accepted the culture of selfishness, secularism and sin.

Only 37% said abortion should be illegal in most cases.

That’s a clear reflection of America’s fall from godly grace.

That’s a clear reason why this country is being corrupted so quickly by socialist, communist, cultural Marxist, collectivist forces bent on globalist, elitist control. God will not be mocked. Especially in a country that was founded on a principle of rights coming from God, not government — God will not and cannot be mocked.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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