- The Washington Times - Thursday, May 5, 2022

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the leading face for coronavirus-tied lockdowns and clamps on individual freedoms for supposedly free Americans, just came out and said the pandemic is over, then came out and walked it back a bit, then announced he wouldn’t attend the White House correspondents’ dinner due to COVID-19 cautions, then was photographed attending a White House correspondent’s reception at the same venue as the dinner with his media pal, CNN’s Don Lemon, and others — all face mask-less, all closely huddled, all indoors and apparently, all free of fears of the virus.

The same virus, no less, that was floating the hallways just feet away, keeping Fauci from attending the dinner portion of the evening’s event.

The point?

If Americans are waiting for a return to pre-pandemic normalcies, then the wait’s going to be a long one. Interminably long. Try never.

Americans must demand their pre-pandemic freedoms.

Expecting the government, and all government’s hypocritical bureaucrats, to return them is a plan of futility.

It’s the Democrats’ intents to keep the fear from this pandemic flowing for as long as possibly possible, as a means of continuing clampdowns on individual liberties; as a means of keeping voters at home, away from the physical ballot boxes, and instead mailing in their candidate picks — if at ll; as a means of moving America away from the root of exceptionalism, that is to say, God-given rights and individualism, and toward a foundation of communism, that is to say, government-granted rights and collectivism; as a means ultimately of cowing this country to the globalist designs of the Great Reset, which is the World Economic Forum’s way of saying One World Order or New World Order, which is Joe Biden’’s way of saying Build Back Better, which is the global government-minded folk way of saying: We control all.

Americans, two-plus years ago, took government at face value when government said, Two Weeks To Flatten The Curve — a promise that if the country shut down its economy, its social structure, its human activities for two weeks, then the danger zone from the pandemic have passed and the return to pre-pandemic normalcies set in quick and speedy motion.


Look around.

Here we are, more than two years later, and Fauci is skipping all over the map when it comes to face masking, social distancing, social functions, vaccinations — with booster after booster after booster coming down the pike. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention was just told by a federal judge the ongoing, unscientific and utterly unnecessary face mask mandates that have been in place on public travel for months and months were unconstitutional overreaches and had to stop — so instead, the CDC issued advisements to continue the face mask wearing, all the while this White House’s Justice Department vowed to appeal. Why? Control. Not science — rather, control.

Teachers unions are still crying about kids at school without face masks — about kids at school at all, for that matter. Small businesses have yet to recover from the forced government shutdowns of the past two years. Churches — churches! — have shown their timidity and tipped their hat of fear to government, showing they are only too willing these days to bow to politicians’ orders to close; that they are only too agreeable to the treatment by bureaucrats as just another place of public gathering, same-same as a concert venue, same-same as a retail shop, same-same even as a marijuana dispensary or liquor mart — and on those last, maybe even a little bit less important, maybe even a little bit lower priority.

God-given rights in America cannot last if God is removed from the public stage.

God-given rights cannot even be properly defined if the places of God are closed by government demand.

Are you listening, churches?

Without a strong, thriving, biblically focused church community, America’s last wall of resistance to globalist and collectivist takeover falls. God-given rights rely on a citizenry informed about the things of God; it’s no coincidence that the more secular America grows, the bigger, too, government gets and more dictatorial the political powers and power-players become — political power-players who are far too often beholden to the likes of China influences and United Nations’ interventions and World Health Organization dictates and World Economic Forum devices than to the very Constitution they pledge by oath of office to support and protect.

Americans need to understand the Democrats are not going to let go this pandemic without first platform-ing the associated fears of this pandemic into some other political campaign to control and clamp rights. The Great Reset’s economic upheaval of the free market is coming. The ongoing climate change alarmism that dictates how all human activity is to be governed by global authorities is coming. The Democrats won’t let go of this pandemic — and the American people must not rely solely on the next election, or the one after that, as the solution to what ails, or as the means of putting back in the box the fear and fear-fueled clamps on liberty from the left.

Democrats won’t stand down; they’ll never quit. And neither will their partners in anti-America ideology in the media, in foreign governments, in the circles of global politics.

Pre-pandemic normalcy is a political promise the left dangles as a means of keeping the people in bondage just a bit longer, just a little bit more. And the only way to actually return America to pre-pandemic normalcies is to throw out this batch of Democrats from office, elect God-fearing, godly types who understand what God-given rights are — and what that means for their roles as subservient representatives of the people, and then watchdog the heck out of the political world to make sure the newly elected actually do what they were elected to do: Protect the Constitution and preserve individualism.

Americans will only see a return to pre-pandemic norms if American citizens themselves demand it. And demand we must.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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