- Thursday, May 5, 2022

Vicki Thorn would be so happy to hear the news about the pending decision by the Supreme Court. In 1984, she founded a post-abortion healing ministry called Project Rachel. Over the years, she worked with thousands of women and men who were involved with an abortion. Through her work, she saw how many of them suffered for years with remorse, depression, anxiety, nightmares and worries about their “choice.” Vicki and the team at Project Rachel offered them a way of healing. 

Many of the people who responded with anger and rage to the news this week about the probable overturning of Roe v. Wade likely had their own experiences with abortion. That would likely explain the reactions. They were told it would provide a quick and easy fix for their “unwanted pregnancy.” But they were not told the full story. 

Legalized abortion on demand does not make abortion “safe.” National statistics show about 1 of every 10 women undergoing abortion suffer from immediate complications — some of which are considered major. Over 100 potential complications have been associated with abortion including bleeding, minor infections, chronic abdominal pain, fevers, gastrointestinal disturbances and vomiting. The nine most common major complications are excessive bleeding, hemorrhage, infection, embolism, ripping or perforation of the uterus, anesthesia complications, convulsion, cervical injury and endotoxic shock. 

Long-term damage can occur after an abortion. Sterility and premature births are two examples. 

Abortion may also lead to mental health issues. One study showed that eight weeks after an abortion, 44% of patients complained of nervous disorders, 36% experienced sleep disturbances, 31% had regrets about their decisions, and 11% had been prescribed psychotropic medicine by their doctor. 

Women who had abortions are significantly more likely than others to require admission to a psychiatric hospital. Those at the highest risk after an abortion are teenagers, separated or divorced women, and women who had more than one abortion. 

Another study showed that 85% were surprised at the intensity of their emotional reaction to the abortion. A survey of 83 women after their abortions found that at least 30 had experienced physical or emotional reactions on the anniversary of the abortion or due date. Suicidal thoughts, headaches, cardiac symptoms, anxiety, alcohol and drug abuse, and verbal abuse toward their children were just some of the problems that were identified in the research. 

President Biden even acknowledged this week that an unborn baby is a child. Science shows us that she or he is not just a bunch of cells or an organ. An unborn baby is a living human being. 

Those of us who are parents know this to be true without having to look at the science books. Whether you gave birth to your children or your wife did, we all know that things change in the body of a woman when she is pregnant. 

Soon after conception, a hormone called the early pregnancy factor is found in the bloodstream of the pregnant woman. It alerts the rest of the body to her pregnancy. Some women crave different types of food during pregnancy, while others need more rest. The changes in the body also typically lead to a greater awareness of babies in society and may even cause the expectant mother to dream about babies. 

Is it any wonder that those women who go through with an abortion experience trauma? Physically, the body is preparing for the baby and motherhood. Abortion goes against those changes and unnaturally ends a pregnancy by killing the unborn child. Mentally, it is why many women experience post-abortion problems even if they did not have prior moral or religious beliefs opposing abortion. Killing their unborn child goes against the very things her body was physically and mentally preparing her for with motherhood. 

Tonette and I still have the first ultrasound pictures we took for our sons, Matt and Alex. Matt was turned on his side with his hand out and he was sucking his thumb. When he was kicking inside of her before we went to bed each night, we would put on Kenny Loggins’ “Return to Pooh Corner.” Then I would put my face next to Tonette’s stomach and sing them to Matt, which would calm him down so she could go to sleep. After Matt was born, I would sing the same songs to him and he would calm down. We did the same thing for Alex. 

Human nature lets expectant parents know that we are caring for precious little children — even before they are born. Sadly, too many have been sold a lie on their way to abortion. Sooner or later, their body and their mind remind them of the child they lost. 

Vicki Thorn spent her life trying to save the lives of innocent babies. She also ministered to those who needed God’s grace to heal from the trauma of an abortion. We need to reflect on that grace and react to the anger and rage we see these days with love and compassion — as we make the case for life. 

• Scott Walker is the president of Young America’s Foundation and served as the 45th governor of Wisconsin from 2011 to 2019.

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