- The Washington Times - Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Comedian Dave Chappelle was attacked and tackled on stage during his Hollywood Bowl performance by a man carrying a replica handgun that was configured to eject a knife blade. 

This is today’s left; this is how the left deals with dissenters.

Leftists are insane and truly believe it sane to physically assault those whose opinions — including jokes! — differ from their own narrow viewpoints. Why? How so? How can this be? Here’s why: because in the insane minds of the left, rhetoric that causes discomfort or offense or hurtful feelings is tantamount to violence — and therefore, their own physically violent responses are entirely justified.

In. Sane.

Chappelle is a comedian. His livelihood is tied to mixing it up and poking at various segments of society, finding the absurd and exploiting it for laughs. That he dared poke at the LGBTQ crowd was a line the left can’t have crossed, however. The left’s tolerance for free speech only goes so far — meaning only goes so far as not including those of the left.

“It was a trans man,” Chappelle joked, shortly after he was assaulted, which was an apparent reference to the anger he’s sparked within the LGBTQ movement for saying “gender is a fact” and suggesting transgenderism is based on deception. 

Which it is.

God ordains sex.

Men can’t become women by changing clothes, taking medical therapies or even undergoing surgeries. Neither can women alter their biological sex via similar human-induced methods.

But the LGBTQ movement is determined to change reality — determined to tear down the foundations of family — determined to destroy what God has created in order to make way for a chaotic substitute based on satanic-like lies and deceits.

If Democrats want any chance of remaining in political office, or of remaining relevant on either the political or cultural stages, they will distance themselves from the insanity that’s taken over the LGBTQ crowd and openly condemn the unscientific, ungodly and utterly unreasonable push for pronoun choice.

They’ll reel in the rhetoric and refuse to recognize the psychologically deranged idea that men can, say, compete in women’s sports as women — and after stealing all the real women’s glory, force an entire nation to pat their heads and pretend their competitions were fair and their awards, fairly won.  

They’ll protect the girls; they’ll preserve boyhood; they’ll stop lying and demanding everyone else partake of their lies — or be subject to physical attack.

Boys are boys and girls are girls; men are men. At the least, Democrats could recognize this easy-to-see truth.

Chappelle should be the final straw to show just how lunatic the left has become. He’s a bellwether for Democrats to start culling their crazy.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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