- The Washington Times - Thursday, May 26, 2022

There are special dungeons in hell reserved for politicians who vote to send our boys to die in wars they don’t really believe in. President Biden, John Kerry and Hillary Clinton will find out in due time.

Mr. Kerry could not wait even one election cycle before he abandoned the troops he sent to die in Iraq. He ran for president in 2004 on a campaign against the very war he had supported just one year before. 

Remember: “I voted for it before I voted against it,” he boasted during his presidential campaign.

But what would you expect from a guy who accused his fellow soldiers of atrocities after he was safely back from Vietnam? Then publicly threw away somebody else’s war medals to “protest” the war?

At least Mrs. Clinton waited 10 years before she changed her mind about the war she sent good men to die in. Her gravestone could read, “Less Despicable Than John Kerry.”

And these people wonder why nobody trusts them to launch another war.

Then there is the place in hell we mortals cannot even imagine for politicians who dance on the graves of innocent dead children here at home. For these sick, craven politicians, there is no human atrocity they won’t exploit to advance their own personal, partisan, political agenda.

“Never let a crisis go to waste,” they say. Out loud.

America heaved and wretched this week over the slaughter of 19 children in an elementary school in Texas, along with two defenseless teachers who surely sacrificed their own lives in futile hopes of saving the children in their care.

It is one of those moments when people weep until they have no more tears. They pray. And they are filled with questions about life and death and the capacity for evil in this world.

The one thing no decent human thinks about at moments like this is: How can I turn this unspeakable tragedy to my own personal advantage? That is an entirely new level of unthinkable depravity.

Except for certain politicians. The same ones who talk openly about never letting a crisis go to waste. Many of them are the same politicians who vote to send boys to die in wars they don’t actually believe in or later change their minds about.

Failed politician Robert Francis O’Rourke — a private school rich boy who now calls himself “Beto” in hopes that voters will think he is Hispanic — crashed a press conference of law enforcement officials and grieving citizens in order to insert himself into the carnage. He is once again running for some public office in Texas for which he is entirely unfit.

Apparently, this is the “white privilege” we have been hearing so much about.

Then there is former President Barack Obama, who bizarrely chose to “grieve” the 19 dead children by comparing them to George Floyd, the grown man who was a felon and died in police custody after passing fake money and shoving a lethal amount of drugs up his own anus because it was the fastest way to get high that day.

It is safe to say that Mr. Obama will not be asked to speak at any of the funerals. But he is living proof that, indeed, we have a crisis of mental disease in America today.

Mr. O’Rourke and Mr. Obama should be first in line for testing any new mental health therapies that come on the market. But Mr. Obama’s desecration of the 19 dead children isn’t even the worst thing he’s ever done.

No, the worst thing he ever did was to leave us with Mr. Biden as president. For 50 years, the thoroughly incompetent and delusional Joe Biden has been wandering around Washington trying to get into the White House. Nobody let him anywhere near the place — until Mr. Obama waved him inside.

Again, there’s that “white privilege.”

Mr. Biden’s simple task — both as president and in the aftermath of the Texas massacre — was to unify the nation. Instead, he did all he could to politicize the tragedy and turn American citizens against one another.

Families were still being informed that they had lost children when Mr. Biden — speaking from the White House — used the tragedy to push his own partisan political agenda of disarming Americans. 

As a practical, political matter, now is probably not the best time to ask Americans to surrender their guns and rely on the government to protect them and their children from crazed lunatics. As a matter of human decency, Mr. Biden’s remarks revealed a man whose soul is dead.

He accused lawful American gun owners of wanting and keeping guns whose only purpose is “to kill someone.” And then he told a joke about deer running through the woods in bullet-proof Kevlar vests.

The man is sick. Totally deranged. His soul is rotted to the core.

God spare America. And God bless those innocent children.

• Charles Hurt is the opinion editor for The Washington Times.

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