So “the Biden administration’s incompetence has created a baby formula shortage” (“Inside the Beltway,” May 17). When taken in concert with all the other brouhahas for which the Biden administration is responsible, this latest disaster happening on President Biden’s watch points to a disturbing pattern.

The Biden administration has been cited in various media reports as having been so incompetent that just about every aspect of our daily lives has been damaged or downgraded drastically in the past 16 months. The law of averages would dictate Biden et al. couldn’t ruin things so spectacularly all at once unless there was a plan to do it all on purpose.

The Food and Drug Administration has been antagonizing the manufacturer of baby formula since last fall, and only now, five-and-a-half months before the midterm election, has the media picked up on it with its coverage of empty shelves.

It is not beyond the realm of possibility to think this disaster, in which House Speaker Nancy Pelosi calls for indictments of the manufacturer, is just another in the long line of planned Biden administration screw-ups.

Most normal people probably think this unlikely, but the events of the past 16 months present a pretty strong case. The Biden administration and the Democrats are taking the U.S. on a course most do not wish to go, and they’re doing it through the creation and execution of one crisis after another. Then they pretend to be the only ones on Earth qualified to create a fix.

It is rare to have so many “coincidences” strung together. At some point, coincidence and plan have to be considered to mean the same thing for the Biden administration.


Bowie, Maryland

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