If took me all of a New York second to figure out why the pathological liar Rep. Adam Schiff would be the chair to conduct a congressional investigation into Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, also known as Unidentified Flying Objects (“U.S. intelligence officials testify on military’s rise in reports of UFO sightings,” Web, May 17).

Since the Roswell crash of a flying disc back in 1947 our government has lied about and denied the existence of UFOs. When I saw the televised investigation and heard Mr. Schiff was the chair the first thing that came to mind was, “Why isn’t Schiff in prison?”

Mr. Schiff, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Sen. Chuck Schumer and Rep. Jerry Nadler all said they had evidence that former President Donald Trump colluded with the Russians while the Mueller investigation was going on, but none of them presented it. This amounts to collusion, interfering in an investigation and obstructing justice. Now one of these very same people, a corrupt congressman who lies at the drop of a hat, is leading hearings on one of the most important issues this country has ever faced? That issue is, of course, are we alone?

It’s bad enough that we are lied to on a daily basis by President Biden and his cohorts, but we know Mr. Schiff can’t be trusted to tell the truth. That should tell everyone we can’t believe anything he says or does.


Warrenville, South Carolina

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