- Monday, May 16, 2022

Peers in the trade honor newspaper’s efforts

Winning awards is not why reporters and editors do what they do.

Getting the story (and getting it first) is the payoff, but it’s nice to be recognized by colleagues for jobs well done.

The Washington Times has been honored over the past 40 years with thousands of national and regional awards — and this, of course, is a conservative estimate — for outstanding news reporting and editing, editorial and column writing, arts and features coverage, sports and special sections, headlines, photography, illustration and page design — not to mention what the judges call “overall excellence.”

A partial list of professional newspaper associations and other groups that have honored The Washington Times and its staff members with top awards in the past 35 years:

• American Association of Sunday and Features Editors
• American Association of University Professors
• American Society of News Editors
• Associated Press Sports Editors
• Association of Food Journalists
• Association of Opinion Page Editors
• Atlanta Photojournalism Seminar Contest
• Atrium Awards
• Benjamin Fine Awards for Outstanding Education Reporting
• Center for Education Reform
• Chesapeake News Association’s Mark Twain Awards
• Chess Journalists of America
• Conservative Education Reform Network
• EdPress: The Association of Educational Publishers
• Education Writers Association
• Edwin M. Hood Award for Diplomatic Correspondence
• Ernst Haas Awards
• Free Press Association’s H.L. Mencken Award for Investigative Journalism
• Gerald R. Ford Foundation Prizes for Reporting on the Presidency and on National Defense
• H.L. Mencken Award
• J.C. Penney-University of Missouri Newspaper Awards
• Maryland-Delaware-D.C. Press Association
• Maryland State Bar Association
• Maryland State Education Association
• Mason-Dixon Outdoor Writers Association
• National Association of Realtors
• National Capital Velo Club
• National Council for Children’s Rights
• National Headliner Awards
• National Newspaper Association
• National Society of Newspaper Columnists
• Religion Communicators Council’s Wilbur Awards
• Religion Newswriters Association
• Scripps Howard Foundation’s Walker Stone Award
• Society of American Travel Writers Foundation’s Lowell Thomas Award for Travel Journalism
• Society for News Design
• Society of Professional Journalists Sigma Delta Chi Awards
• Society of Professional Journalists (Washington Chapter) Dateline Awards
• Society of Publication Designers
• The Robert F. Kennedy Awards for Excellence in Journalism
• Raymond Clapper Memorial Award
• U.S. Chess Federation
• Virginia News Photographers Association
• Virginia Press Association
• White House Correspondents’ Association
• White House News Photographers Association
• Scripps Howard Foundation’s National Journalism Award for Editorial Cartooning

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