- Monday, May 16, 2022

No wisdom is regarded as conventional on the Commentary pages of The Washington Times, where a distinguished array of the nation’s opinion leaders, commentators and scholars offer challenging, informed thoughts on a wide range of political, moral, economic and scientific issues.

In a media environment bombarded by calamitous claims and dubious data, Commentary turns to those best qualified to weigh the merits of the topics at hand. Wherever possible, Commentary goes to the sources of emerging ideas for enlightenment and provocative discussion. Whenever possible, Commentary punctures those hot-air balloons that others allow to drift unchallenged across the landscape.

With the explosion of opinion coverage on all media from blogs to social media, the continuing objective of the Commentary section is to offer each day a stimulating menu of enlightenment that many readers — conservatives, liberals and that rarest of all Washington animals, the undecided — feel compelled to digest. Supporting those ideas are nuggets of information that fill in the blanks overlooked in the rush of daily reporting and that serve to illuminate what is the truth and what is not.

On the battlefield of competing philosophies that define our times, Commentary offers an arsenal of ideas. If readers do not agree with all that they see, they are at least convinced that there are other ways of viewing current problems.

Commentary is especially mindful of the alienation that citizens sometimes feel from their government. To bridge that chasm, Commentary undertakes to clarify complex issues so that readers can easily comprehend what is at stake and to make their voices heard where it counts. If the sound bites of the incessant news cycle or hastily assembled deadline stories leave questions unresolved, Commentary advances the debate to a different horizon of analysis and information.

It is Commentary’s commitment to be a valuable resource for intelligent decision-making by those who lead and public participation by those the decisions affect.

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Most newspapers print two daily opinion pages: the editorial page and the op-ed page, located opposite the editorials. From its very early days, however, The Washington Times has distinguished itself by printing more daily opinion pages than any other newspaper in the nation: four Commentary pages. The pages, which set The Times apart from its competitors, quickly became some of the most important in the newspaper.

The editorial page in The Times, which displays the opinions and views written in the name of the newspaper, located under the masthead, often presents points of view that contrast, often sharply, with those of The Washington Post, The New York Times and other organs of the dominant media. A great many readers find this tremendously refreshing.

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