- Monday, May 16, 2022

During the 1980s, The Washington Times became a valuable resource for those who wanted know what was on President Ronald Reagan’s mind — or how to influence his thinking.

On June 21, 1984, the president urged students from the National YMCA Youth Governors Conference to read The Times to learn how their government worked.

“And if you really want to get some history on this when you leave here,” he said at a ceremony in the Rose Garden, “get a copy of The Washington Times.”

Mr. Reagan held up that day’s Commentary section. “You’ll find some very interesting reading and, at the same time, you’ll have a complete knowledge of what the history of our attempts has been down through the years,” he told the young leaders.

After The Times published a pointed editorial on the 1985 Achille Lauro cruise ship hijacking, Mr. Reagan ordered U.S. jet fighters to intercept an Egyptian airliner that was carrying the Palestinian hijackers to safety.

Time magazine credited The Washington Times’ editorial with stiffening the president’s resolve.

SPECIAL COVERAGE: Freedom, family, faith: Celebrating 40 years of The Washington Times

In 1986, Fortune magazine reported that The Times was one of five newspapers Mr. Reagan read daily before his first meeting at 9 a.m.

Mr. Reagan’s steadfast opposition to communism meshed with that of the founders of The Washington Times, which chronicled and revealed communist threats and aggressions around the world throughout the 1980s.

The first decade at The Times ended with the widespread collapse of communism and the disintegration of the Soviet Union, momentous events that the newspaper thoroughly recorded for posterity.

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