- The Washington Times - Tuesday, May 10, 2022

More than three-fourths of voters say publishing the home addresses of Supreme Court justices is wrong and not an acceptable way of protesting the possible overturning of the Roe v. Wade decision, which made abortion a national right.

A poll released Tuesday found that 76% of voters said calling for protests at the justices’ homes is wrong, while just 16% said it is an acceptable way to protest. 

Additionally, 52% said President Biden’s refusal to condemn the pro-choice activists’ actions will only encourage more unlawful or violent conduct.

The survey, conducted by The Trafalgar Group for the Convention of the States Action, was conducted May 6-8. It questioned more than 1,000 voters, and has a margin of error of plus or minus 2.99 percentage points.

Mark Meckler, president of Convention of States Action, said the results show the president’s lack of forcefulness against the protests is widely unpopular among the American public.

 “While this poll cannot measure the outrage that Americans feel because of this politically-driven double standard of injustice, in which supporters of a radical leftist agenda can essentially do whatever they want while good citizens suffer, voters’ outrage will be expressed at the polls in November. From the riots in our cities they encouraged and supported, to refusing to condemn protesting at the private homes of Justices of the United States Supreme Court, Democrats are out of step with the vast majority of Americans, regardless of political party,” Mr. Meckler said.

Politico last week published a leaked draft opinion by Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. suggesting the majority of justices will overturn 1973’s landmark Roe ruling.

Pro-choice advocates leaped to the steps of the high court to protest against the possible ruling and even released the addresses of some of the justices amid plans to protest outside their homes.

Groups appeared at the homes of Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr., Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh and Justice Alito over the weekend.

The pro-choice groups even called for protests at Catholic churches, and pro-life centers have faced vandalism and threats in recent days.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki has refused to condemn the leak.

“Our view here is that peaceful protests — there’s a long history in the United States in the country of that. And we’ve certainly encouraged people to keep it peaceful and not resort to any level of violence,” she said this week.

• Alex Swoyer can be reached at aswoyer@washingtontimes.com.

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