- The Washington Times - Tuesday, March 8, 2022

In Joe Biden’s first year of presidency, he’s managed to set the world on pins and needles, stir tensions among friend and foe alike, embolden Russia to invade Ukraine, fuel talk of China’s takeover of Taiwan, drive gas prices to highs not seen since 2008, send inflation skyward, and oh, let’s see what else — oh yes, fund the very enemy’s war effort against the free people of Ukraine by buying and continuing to buy oil from the Kremlin. To the tune of almost 675,000 barrels per day.

And the bad news is: Biden has almost three more years.

Just think of the damage he can do in that amount of time. Can you say Iran nuclear treaty talks?

Type in “Biden list of accomplishments” into Google and what comes are several pretend stories fabricated by several delusional members of the media who had to dig so deep that “tied his own shoelaces” and “didn’t drop his ice cream cone, no, not even once” are at Numbers 3 and 4. 

Not really.

But there’s some serious gaslighting going on here, folks.

Newsweek cites Biden’s top, A-Number One “flagship” win as the passage of a $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure package. But that wasn’t a win so much as a tail-tuck for Biden, who had wanted — had promised his socialist-slash-progressive base, in fact — a Build Back Better package that included money for bridges and roads, money for climate change, money that would take from corporations and give to the political class and basically, in essence, ultimately, “reshape the economy,” as The New York Times put it in one headline.

He couldn’t do it; Biden couldn’t get the BBB plan passed — ‘cause it was ridiculous. So he settled for a far less sexier plan, one that both Republicans and Democrats supported, one that actually committed money to the infrastructure its title said it was committing money to — at least, in some small part.

It wasn’t a win for Biden so much as a defeat.

But leave it to the media to snatch victory from the jaws of Democrat defeat. Nothing like a few months’ time to jumble memories.

“For Biden, 2021 was a year of big accomplishments — and big disappointments,” NBC News wrote in December.

Among? The fact so many Americans got vaccinated against COVID-19 — something the Biden White House actually could take credit for because it was the Biden White House, after all, that basically turned the free market into an arm of government. It was the Biden White House, after all, that weaponized the private sector and forced employers to make employees get shots, else face job loss. Yay, Team Biden.

More to truth, Yay, Biden-Fawning Media.

“Getting federal judges appointed and confirmed,” NBC News also listed, as one of Biden’s 2021 accomplishments.

Without the media to invent so many victories, where would ol’ blue-collar Joe be, anyway?

Fake it ’til you make it is an old and time-tested way of, say, dressing for the job you want, not presently have; standing before an audience and delivering a successful public speech; learning to leave behind the wallflowers and become a more social butterfly; and the like.

But for the position of commander-in-chief? For the role of president of the United States?

As much as Biden’s apologists want to be believed, China’s Xi Jinping, North Korea’s Kim Jong-un and Russia’s Vladimir Putin aren’t partaking of the fantasy. Biden is a weak leader whose weak leadership has set in motion mass turmoil, tension and turbulence.

And the guy’s just getting started.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Socialists Don’t Sleep: Christians Must Rise Or America Will Fall,” is available by clicking HERE.

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