- The Washington Times - Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Rochelle Walensky went on national NBC news and said Americans should be prepared too once again don face masks.

She said some other stuff, too, but the takeaway is this: Medical bureaucrats and the politicians they partner with will never, never, never, ever allow the COVID-19 crisis to pass.

“I do anticipate that this is probably going to be a seasonal virus,” Walensky said.

“Maybe during respiratory season, if things ramped up, we would want to put on our masks again to protect both from flu and from COVID and from all other respiratory diseases,” Walensky added.


No, no and no again.

If COVID doesn’t kill most of those who catch it — if roughly 99% of those who contract the virus, recover from the virus — and if this is going to become the next seasonal flu thang — then why would Americans need, never mind want, to wear face masks once again?

The science on face masking has been set for some time — settled, in other words. And what the settled science on face masking says is that the coverings are great for doctors performing surgery in rooms that have been disinfected and staffed with nurses who do the hard work of tying the face masks in place — they work there and then. But they don’t work so well when stuffed in kids’ pockets, along with that stick of day old Juicy Fruit and the dirty nickels found on the street — and then pulled to put on when the school bus approaches. Does that really protect against a virus? Does that really “work” as the medical bureaucrats have defined the face masks to “work?”

“Walensky said it remained unclear whether people will need additional COVID-19 booster shots over the next year,” Fox News wrote, about her recent remarks on NBC.

Hmm. More sound science at work, it seems. 

If the shots worked, why the need for boosters? If one booster worked, why the need for — what is it, now, four?

And if the shots and boosters worked, why the need for face masks?

The medical bureaucrats would say something like, “just in case.” Just in case somebody sneezes or coughs, it’s a good idea to have a face mask in place. Just in case somebody who’s 80 years old, obese and suffering from diabetes and a heart condition takes a train or plane ride, it’s a good idea for everybody else to be shot, boosted and face masked.

Just in case.

It ain’t science — it ain’t sound science at all. But just in case can cover pretty much every scenario that pops.

Just in case can keep in place a fear that justifies clampdowns on individual liberties for a very long time.

Just in case can give the leftists and elitists and anti-American globalists and yes, Democrats, plenty of fodder to steal God-given rights and turn this nation of individualism into one of collectivism.

One face mask at a time. 

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Socialists Don’t Sleep: Christians Must Rise Or America Will Fall,” is available by clicking HERE.

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