When Abraham Lincoln faced off against Stephen Douglas in their first debate on Aug. 21, 1858, Lincoln said, “Before proceeding, let me say I think I have no prejudice against the Southern people. They are just what we would be in their situation. If slavery did not now exist among them, they would not now introduce it. If it did now exist amongst us, we would not instantly give it up.”

In present-day America, the political left and the overwhelming influence of its news media have diminished the ability of conservatives to have an equal voice in how we govern our nation. The government, political parties and the American people have concentrated on domestic issues that are totally irrelevant compared to the overwhelming threat of Russia, its barbaric invasion of Ukraine and the possibility of nuclear war.

The formidable power of the news media has interfered with and influenced our federal government’s ability to be a fair and democratic servant of all the people. (Many conservatives are fearful of the long arm of the government, especially the Department of Justice and the FBI.) The constant saturation of misinformation and direct lies have left Americans with a superficial idealism that has almost no relevance in enabling and encouraging our nation to overcome the encumbrance of hatred, prejudice and division. In fact, it thwarts us from being able to come together to resist Russia from initiating further hostilities.

The Ukrainian people have epitomized unity as a concept. They are more than just comrades in arms; they have found the ability to forget and forgive differences and past grievances in order to defend their country from a malevolent force intent on subjugating them to servitude.

For our nation to survive, we must be humble enough, as Lincoln expressed, to comprehend that we are one and the same and put our differences and animosities aside. We must see in each other the image of ourselves, as if we were walking in the shoes of others we once hated, disliked or bitterly disagreed with.


Traverse City, Michigan

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