- The Washington Times - Thursday, March 3, 2022

A new poll from Pew Research found that the top priority for Americans was “strengthening the economy,” followed by “reducing health care costs,” dealing with the coronavirus and, in fourth place, “improving education.”

If these are the barometers by which America will next vote, Team Biden and his band of Democrats are in serious trouble.

Inflation is at its highest rate in 40 years, with consumer prices soaring 7.5% in 2021 — even higher than what economists predicted. Consumers definitely felt, and continue to feel, the pinch. 

“Real earnings for workers increased just 0.1% on the month when accounting for inflation,” CNBC wrote a couple of weeks ago.

Health care costs are on the upswing, and the long-promised price reductions of Obamacare legislative bantering days have become nothing but a mocking, distant memory.

The Willis Towers Watson “2021 Best Practices in Health Care Survey” predicted health care costs to hike 5% in 2022. Segal’s “2022 Health Plan Cost Trend Survey” projected medical costs to rise between 5% and 7% this year. Mercer’s “National Survey of Employer-Sponsored Health Plans 2021” estimated health costs will jump 4.7% this year, compared to 2021. Aon’s “2022 Global Medical Trend Rates Report” said costs in 2022 will soar 7.4% over those of 2021. And Kaiser’s “2021 Employer Health Benefits Survey” found that annual premiums for employer-sponsored family plans rose by 4%, with employees paying almost $6,000 out-of-pocket for coverage.

“Obamacare Has Doubled the Cost of Individual Health Insurance,” The Heritage Foundation reported in March of 2021.

And President Biden hasn’t done much to change that sad and sorry state of the nation’s health care.

According to polling, Americans don’t think he’s done much better with his handling of the coronavirus.

“Public view on Biden’s handling of Covid and the economy takes another hit,” CNBC reported, citing its December “All-America Survey” that put the president’s approval rating at 46% and his disapproval numbers at 48%.

Fellow Democrats suffered as well. Call it the Biden Effect.

“Negative views extend to Democrats overall,” CNBC wrote. “Republicans now sport a historic 10-point advantage when Americans are asked which party they prefer to control Congress.”

That was December.

Not much has changed in 2022.

Just a few days ago was this, from The Daily Mail: “Biden falls to 37% approval as new poll shows GOP has a 10-point advantage over Democrats in 2022.”

And from CNN on March 1 — this: “If the election were held today, Democrats would not only lose control of the House, but suffer massive losses in their ranks.”

Fully 71% of Americans in the most recent Pew survey about the nation’s top concerns cited the need to strengthen the economy as the highest priority. Sixty-one percent cited a need to reduce health care costs; 60%, to properly address the coronavirus issue; and 58%, to improve education.

Strike one. Strike two. Strike three. A pity pitch for education?

“New poll shows GOP nullifying Democrats’ edge on education,” The Washington Post wrote in mid-November.

That was when Virginia’s Democrats lost big time to Republicans, largely on matters tied to education and parental authority. Democrats continue to think they can win voters with platforms that give away college to kids, or that pay off existing student loans for graduates. But those messages aren’t resonating with the American people.

“Education, traditionally a strength, has Democrats on their heels,” The Post wrote in February.

That’s because Democrats have been taken over by teachers unions who think their unelected, unaccountable-to-the-people status grants them unbridled power to push around parents. Well, parents are mad as hell and aren’t willing to take it anymore — and the fights against out-of-control school boards, unscientific and disastrous forced face-masking policies and harmful, destructive, devastating stay-at-home orders to students have crossed political party lines. That is to say: Democrats are nearly as angry as independents who are nearly as angry as Republicans about overreaching, arrogant, elitist school officials.

Four top issues to Americans.

Four strikes to Biden and his comrades-in-Democratic-Party arms.

That’s enough to bench the Dems for several seasons of elections.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Socialists Don’t Sleep: Christians Must Rise Or America Will Fall,” is available by clicking HERE.

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