As the old saying goes, the writing is on the wall. Both Democrats and Republicans know that President Biden’s gaffes and “walk backs” send out mixed messages to the world. In my opinion they are going to get people killed and our country attacked.

When Mr. Biden recently called Russian President Vladimir Putin a “butcher” and said he could not stay in power, it was the first time I ever agreed with him — but that was short lived, as the White House quickly retracted it. Shortly thereafter Mr. Biden came out to address the contradictions and doubled down, making up excuses that complicated his confusing statements.

If that weren’t bad enough, the United Nations ambassador condemned Mr. Biden’s remarks, saying Mr. Putin would take them as “provocation” that could escalate the war. It’s time to stop worrying about what Mr. Putin will do and tell him what the world is going to do to stop him.

It’s also time for Mr. Biden and his incompetent administration to be removed from government with a vote of no confidence. It’s imperative that Democrats and Republicans act together to take action under our Declaration of Independence, which gives us the right to abolish our government if and when that government “becomes destructive” to our pursuit of “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

I’m no alarmist, but if you think our country can withstand two-plus more years of Mr. Biden and his administration, you are sadly mistaken.


Warrenville, South Carolina

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