- The Washington Times - Thursday, March 24, 2022

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on Thursday pleaded with NATO to do more to help his country fight off Russian invaders, slamming the 30-nation military alliance for not taking “real action.”

Mr. Zelenskyy delivered the remarks to an emergency meeting of the NATO alliance in Brussels where world leaders are plotting their next response to Russian military aggression. The Ukrainian president gave a brief virtual address to attendees.

Ukraine is not a member of NATO but has pressed for membership to defend against Russia. Mr. Zelenskyy said his country is trapped in “a gray area,” where NATO is providing support, but not offering a full-throttle defense.

As the war in Ukraine entered its second month, Mr. Zelenskyy urged NATO to provide military equipment to stop the “darkest suffering” of his war-torn nation.

Mr. Zelenskyy asked for planes and tanks to fend off Russian President Vladimir Putin’s army.

NATO has yet to show what the alliance can do to save people. To show that this is truly the most powerful defense union in the world. And the world is waiting. And Ukraine is very much waiting. Waiting for real actions. Real security guarantees,” he said.

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In the scathing speech, a video of which was posted on a Ukraine government website, Mr. Zelensky tore into NATO saying he’s only asked for 1% of the alliance’s 20,000 tanks and accused the alliance of slow-walking his requests for help.

“The worst thing during the war is not having clear answers to requests for help,” he said.

“You can give us one percent of all your aircraft. One percent of all your tanks. One percent! We can’t just buy it. Such a supply depends on NATO’s decisions, on political decisions, by the way.” Mr. Zelenskyy continued.

He also asked for anti-ship weapons and air defense systems.

Since the war began, NATO has been walking a tightrope of providing Ukraine with weapons and other support but stopped short of granting all of Mr. Zelenskyy’s requests, fearing increased aid could spark a direct conflict between NATO countries and Russia.

NATO also has refused to establish a no-fly zone over Ukraine or provide it with fighter jets.

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NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said in his opening remarks Thursday that it could provide a variety of aid to Ukraine. He didn’t say if the alliance would provide the planes and tanks Mr. Zelenskyy has requested.

“I expect allies will agree to provide additional support, including cybersecurity assistance, as well as equipment to help Ukraine protect against chemical, biological and radiological, and nuclear threats,” Mr. Stoltenberg said.

• Jeff Mordock can be reached at jmordock@washingtontimes.com.

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