- Thursday, March 24, 2022

Why is a Harvard-educated federal judge who was nominated based on sex and race not able to define what a woman is or talk about race?  This question became abundantly clear during the nomination hearings this week for Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson. As I pondered her non-answers to many of the questions she was asked by members of the United States Senate, it got me thinking of other questions that come to mind these days. Here are just a few of them: 

Why are so many people who claim to be for “science” okay with killing an unborn child when science tells us this is a living human being?

Why are so many people who claim to be for women’s rights not in favor of protecting women and girls in sports? 

Why are so many people who claim to be for free speech opposed to allowing conservative voices on campuses?

Why are so many people who advocate for tolerance intolerant of views that are not aligned with their own beliefs? 

Why are so many people who advocate for reducing the carbon footprint living with carbon footprints much greater than the average person?

Why are so many people who claim that the government should stay out of what happens in the bedroom okay with government-run schools telling young children what they should think about sexuality? 

Why are so many people who claim to be for getting parents more involved in schools really only for parental involvement if they lobby for more funding to government-run schools?

Why do so many people who claim to be essential workers not want to show up for work in the classroom when it is essential?  

Why do so many people who demand that the general public wear a mask not wear one when they think others are not watching them?

Why are so many of the people who say that Black Lives Matter not outraged that a much higher percentage of Black babies are aborted than white babies? 

Why do so many people who say we need to eliminate the achievement gap want to keep schools closed from in-person learning when studies show that closures widened the achievement gap?

Why do so many people who oppose giving parents a choice as to where they send their children to school send their children to private schools? 

Why do so many of the people who criticize legislation not actually read the legislation? 

Why do so many people who complain about “gerrymandering” not complain when it benefits Democrats in states like Illinois?

Why do so many people who want to defund the police call the police when they need protection or there is an emergency?

Why do so many people who question why we need secure borders for our nation have locks on the doors to their homes and offices? 

Why are so many people who want President Donald Trump banned from Twitter not demanding that the leaders of Russia and Iran be banned from social media?

Why are so many people in the #MeToo movement still okay with Bill Clinton? 

Why can an athlete watch a sporting event in New York City, but not be paid to play in it?  

Why do so many people who believe that the filibuster is a “Jim Crow relic” not think the same thing when Barack Obama and Joe Biden used it in the United States Senate?  

Why do so many people who complain about the high costs of student loans advocate for all sorts of college administrators and programs that drive up the cost of tuition? 

Why do so many people who say they want the wealthy to “pay their fair share” oppose a flat tax that would have someone who makes 10 times more than someone else pay 10 times more in taxes? 

Why do so many who say that we should trust a woman when she accuses someone of sexual harassment or assault not believe the parent of a girl who was assaulted by a transgender student? 

Why are so many people who complain that women are not in enough top positions in business and government okay with someone who was born a male being named one of USA Today’s “Women of the Year?”

Why are so many people outraged with the actions of Russia against the people of Ukraine, but not equally outraged with the actions of the Chinese government against Uyghurs?

Why do so many people resort to calling people names like racist, sexist, Neanderthal, etc., instead of arguing the merits of their positions? 

Why do so many people who preach unity say they can no longer be friends with people who disagree with them? 

Why will so many haters respond to this article with attacks that have little or nothing to do with the issues above?  

• Scott Walker is the president of Young America’s Foundation and served as the 45th governor of Wisconsin from 2011 to 2019.

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