As a Ukrainian American, I am angry that more has not been done to help the more than 3.5 million Ukrainian refugees. Why aren’t these people being allowed to immigrate to America and claim asylum from this horrific war?

President Biden said he would welcome Ukrainian refugees “with open arms if, in fact, they come all the way here.” According to CNN, only seven Ukrainian refugees have been allowed into America. This occurred only because these seven refugees had made it to America’s border with Mexico.

This is a disgrace. The Statue of Liberty has tears in her eyes.

Even Israel has announced it will be accepting up to 25,000 non-Jewish Ukrainian refugees.

Ukrainians are woven into the fabric of America. In the early 1900s, thousands of Ukrainians came here and worked in dangerous hard-labor jobs. They helped to build America. My Ukrainian grandfather was one of them. He came to America when he was only 15 and worked a lifetime in Pennsylvania coal mines.

I served in the military, and I know our country can bring in many Ukrainian refugees on military cargo planes. Mr. Biden must take immediate action to allow in these desperate Ukrainian refugees.


Portsmouth, New Hampshire

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