President Biden warned during his 2016 campaign that if former President Donald Trump were reelected, he would “forever and fundamentally alter the character of this nation, who we are, and I cannot stand by and watch this happen” (“Biden’s vacant White House,” Web, March 21).

Well, to my family, friends and other readers, Mr. Biden and the radical-left nut cases who now govern this nation are attempting to do just that: fundamentally alter the nation so we become a socialist/Marxist country ruled by elite, autocratic bureaucrats. These skunks are embedded everywhere at every level of government, and as Russian dictator Vladimir Putin does with his countrymen, they and Mr. Biden are determined to lord over us with an iron fist.

As Mark Christian writes, “America should have been more alarmed when Mr. Biden launched his presidential campaign in April 2019 with a lie, claiming that the racism of former President Donald Trump motivated him to run.” To date, I’ve never heard any utterance or heard of any actions by Mr. Trump that would suggest he is a racist. And so, adding to Mr. Biden’s many character flaws, he’s a liar.

As a clue about what they were signing up for, voters had 50 years of ample warning concerning Mr. Biden’s character and political performance. Yet about 80 million Trump-hater souls deliberately — or ignorantly, which is just as likely — ignored this scoundrel’s record and elected him president. Now we are all stuck with him. We must fight like the determined Ukrainians to defend America against this assault by puppet Biden and the left for the fundamental changes they seek.


Silver Spring, Maryland

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