The teachers unions should have absolutely no say in the policies and practices of our public schools, which are funded by parents and other taxpayers (“Maryland home-schoolers fight bill that would ’gather information’ on them,” Web, Feb. 21). And even though home-schoolers do not use public schools’ teachers or administrators, their families still pay the full taxes to support them. Thus, not only should home-schooled kids be able to participate in what are essentially community activities, but there should be no charges other than those that are routine for full-time students.

Maybe if the public schools produced the same product as home-schooling, home-schooling would not be as popular as it is. It’s the parents who pay the bills and the parents who should determine what makes a good education. That should not be up to unions, school boards and administrators. Curricula should be readily available for review and questioning by parents and all other taxpayers.


Oak Hill, Virginia

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