Recently President Biden and his administration declared that high gas prices were the fault of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Unfortunately, this is not the first time they have denied that their policies were contributing to this issue and others.

As a voter and taxpayer, I find nothing more disappointing than when elected officials and high-ranking staffers insult our intelligence by refusing to admit that they were wrong. Finger pointing seems to be their only remaining recourse. But there is an old saying: When you point your finger at somebody, you are pointing three other fingers back at yourself.

To paraphrase President Truman, if you cannot convince them, confuse them. That seems to this administration’s intention. At least President Reagan admitted he had been wrong about Iran-Contra and he then took responsibility. By conrast, the Biden administration wasted all good will and optimism extended to it with its out-of-touch policies pandering to segments of this country.

What we need now relief from with high inflation, high gas prices and our worries over a possible World War III. Mr. Biden seems unable to generate any level of public trust. Perhaps he should look to the actions of previous presidents for insight on how to do it.



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