- The Washington Times - Monday, March 14, 2022

The abused, burdened, innocent American taxpayer can hardly afford a gallon of gasoline these days. But they sure are investing heavily in those little stickers of President Biden saying, “I did that!” pointing to the price meter on gas pumps all over the country today.

This would be the same Lesser Bozo of the Bozo Duo that famously harangued small business owners back in 2012 that it was, in fact, the government who built their businesses.

“Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive,” former President Barack Obama lectured during his reelection campaign about the real secret sauce in business success. 

“Somebody invested in roads and bridges,” he said. “If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that.”

That’s right. You didn’t build that. The government did.

It is always amazing to hear someone who never created a single job in his life lecture the small business owners who create half of all private sector jobs in the United States about how to create jobs.

Even more insidious, government leeches like Mr. Obama cockily claim credit for bureaucratic jobs they “created” with government — where “demand” is forced by fiat and “investment” is taken from innocent taxpayers at the point of a gun and under threat of jail time. 

And then once that job is “created” by government Bozos like Obama and Biden, any rare successes are massively regulated to death and the far more common failures are subsidized for eternity. These are the same losers who cheated at Monopoly as children and then bragged about “winning.”

And just think: Mr. Obama was the smart one.

Now comes the dumber of the duo.

The only silver lining to all the misery and mayhem around the world and in America today is that every shred of it can be blamed entirely on President Biden. His 50-year career in Washington is a record of failed ideas, self-dealing and lies.

Iraq, Afghanistan, Ukraine, Iran, Mexico — the trail of misery around the world goes on and on. And no single leech in Washington has been a greater “foreign policy” expert than Mr. Biden himself. His religious zealotry for “green energy” created the war in Ukraine today.

It is truly delicious that Mr. Biden now sits alone at the banquet table he has set before himself — unable to leave until he has eaten every last rotten vegetable he has sown over the past half-century.

Here at home, the misery is ever worse. Open borders. Rampant crime. Rotten schools. The suffocating poison of welfare. Gas prices. Every bit of it can be laid entirely at the feet of Joe Biden and his horrible ideas.

Down in Georgia, former President Jimmy Carter marvels at the totality of Mr. Biden’s disastrousness. 

“Broken supply chain?” Jimmah says to Rosalind, incredulously. “Why didn’t I think of that!”

But the biggest calamity created by Mr. Biden has yet to entirely hit the innocent American taxpayer.

You think Mr. Biden’s inflation is bad now? We still have not hit rock bottom. And just you wait until you see what we have to do to finally get it under control.

For years, politicians like Mr. Biden — and plenty of Republicans — have perpetrated the biggest government lie ever told. Going on two decades now, they sign up for every credit card they can get in your name and max it out. They steal trillions of dollars from our children. And they print new money to keep the whole Ponzi scheme going.

Literally, if anyone outside of government did this, they would be jailed for the rest of their lives. But it’s politics, so Mr. Biden gets promoted to president.

Now we are on the brink of running out of federal ink and paper. It is getting near impossible to print enough cash to keep up with inflation. Already, you need a wheelbarrow of money to buy a gallon of gas.

Soon, you will need two wheelbarrows of money to buy a loaf of bread — if you can find one.

Obviously, the biggest reason Russian warlord Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine is because he could afford to. The only reason he could afford to is that Mr. Biden’s blind assault on American energy independence drove up oil prices so much that Mr. Putin and Russian became rich as you and America became poorer.

Surely, in the back of Mr. Putin’s mind when he invaded was also the realization that inflation and debt after 50 years of Biden policies were about to explode America’s balance sheet. 

Mr. Biden and fellow Democrats, of course, will now do all they can to lie and claim that they had nothing to do with this current debt and inflation bomb. Already, the White House is ordering up gas pump stickers that say, “I did that!” with pictures of Vladimir Putin instead of Mr. Biden.

Don’t let them get away with it and keep putting up the Biden stickers.

• Charles Hurt is the opinion editor of the Washington Times.

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