Hollywood actor Matthew McConaughey was born and grew up in Uvalde, Texas (“Matthew McConaughey urges gun reform at White House press briefing,” Web, June 7). He spoke at a recent White House press conference on the Uvalde school massacre, calling for new gun legislation. He said, “We start by making the loss of these lives matter.”

Why didn’t Mr. McConaughey at the same time call upon his friends in Hollywood to stop glorifying gun violence in movies, music and TV? What about advocating to end bail for those who use guns in the act of committing any crime, be it assault, rape, robbery, car jacking or attempted murder?

And when these individuals are found guilty, there should be automatic forfeiture of both their voting rights and their driver’s licenses. Real penalties are needed to serve as disincentives to using a gun to commit a crime. Actions sometimes speak louder than words.


Great Neck, New York

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