- The Washington Times - Wednesday, June 8, 2022

House Democrats on Wednesday approved quietly — budget hawks said sneakily — a resolution setting a top level of federal discretionary spending for fiscal 2023 at $1.6 trillion, which would be a 9% increase over current spending at a time of 40-year-high inflation.

The House approved the so-called “deeming resolution” attached to gun legislation without a separate roll-call vote on the proposed federal spending level.

The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget criticized the move, saying it took place “under the cover of an unrelated rule” on the gun-control measure. The watchdog noted that neither the House nor the Senate has even proposed a budget resolution, despite a statutory deadline to pass one by April 15.

“It’s beyond disappointing that Congress won’t even try to pass a budget this year,” said Maya MacGuineas, president of the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget. “In fact, they aren’t even pretending to try. What’s the point of having a Budget Committee if they are never going to put forward a budget?”

She said the “deeming resolution” could allow spending of another $100 billion per year “when inflation is at a 40-year high and debt is approaching record levels.”

“To pass it under the cover of darkness is completely irresponsible,” she said. “A budget is a statement of priorities and a core function of good governance. Simply put, to fail to budget is to fail to govern.”

SEE ALSO: Pelosi condemns ‘great replacement theory,’ says resolution will put lawmakers on record

House Budget Committee Chairman John Yarmuth, Kentucky Democrat, said setting a top-line level for federal discretionary spending “is a core responsibility of the Budget Committee in the appropriations process.”

“This procedural measure paves the way for a timely annual appropriations process without prejudging outcomes for specific program areas,” Mr. Yarmuth said. “I look forward to working with my colleagues to deliver the investments necessary to meet the needs of the American people, lower costs for families, and keep our economy strong.”

Rep. Earl “Buddy” Carter, Georgia Republican and a member of the Budget Committee, said Washington’s budgeting process is “broken.”

“I challenge Washington Democrats to put their values on paper by following the law and introducing a budget,” Mr. Carter said. “Tell the American people why you think it’s OK to spend an additional $100 billion when inflation is already at a 40-year high. Taxpayers don’t deserve gimmicks, they deserve the truth.” 

House Appropriations Chairwoman Rosa DeLauro, Connecticut Democrat, said she expects the committee to approve fiscal 2023 spending bills beginning in July.

• Dave Boyer can be reached at dboyer@washingtontimes.com.

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