- The Washington Times - Monday, June 27, 2022

Somewhere, in some clinic, in some state across America right now is a frightened girl who was about to have an abortion, but now, after the Supreme Court’s overturn of Roe v. Wade, is told she can’t. And it’s not enough for pro-lifers to respond to that scenario by saying, “good.”

This is a time in America, unlike any other in the last few decades, for pro-lifers around the country to flood the communities with offers of practical assistance to girls who suddenly find themselves facing the prospect of motherhood; to women who are being stretched thin by the financial realities of raising a child, or children, minus a husband, minus the father; to vulnerable young females who hail from broken homes and are one empty “but I love you” whisper from a boyfriend away from finding themselves pregnant — and then alone; to the secular, to the ungodly, to the ignorant-of-God’s-ways women who, through no fault of their own, were trained in the ways of abuse to believe that sex is what they were created to provide and that abortion is just another way to erase the consequences of a life they didn’t completely choose.

It’s time for churches to step up and open their missionary funds to their nearby neighbors.

It’s time for nonprofits to spread their donor dollars to those in need of child-rearing expenses — and school and job training and safe housing and health care.

It’s time for Christians who’ve been protesting in the streets on behalf of the pro-life cause to reach into their own pockets and give, give, give to those they’ve been telling to choose life.

It’s time for states with trigger laws, poised to outlaw abortion or already outlawing abortion, to simultaneously boost funding for abstinence programs both in and outside of the public schools; to fund mentor programs for young girls and young boys in at-risk communities; to put more effort and money into stopping the growth of gangs and promoting the strength of families, of traditional family units, of two-parent families — in part, by fully funding police; in part, by creating more after-school centers for wayward youth and staffing them with counselors and adults who can teach life skills, provide tutoring services and offer one-on-one practical help from a perspective of biblical truth.

Abortion is a blot on humanity and an offense to God.

But many of those who have abortions don’t see it that way because, at root, they haven’t been taught to see it that way.

These are the lost.

And now that the courts have handed the decision-making process for abortion back to the states — back to the people — it’s a golden opportunity to show these lost the way.

It starts with compassion.

It includes practical assistance.

But its focus is on love — the kind of love that requires personal action and individual outreach and walking the walk rather than just talking the talk.

Law alone never works. Law alone won’t heal and unite our nation.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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