- Sunday, June 26, 2022

The national average gas price is $4.86, more than double the $2.39 when President Joe Biden took office in January of 2021. Prices have been steadily rising daily, even hourly, with experts anticipating $5 this week and $6 by the end of the summer. Last week, a young mother stopped at a gas station to breastfeed her baby on a road trip (luckily, she didn’t need formula because she likely wouldn’t have been able to find it anywhere) and noticed that the price of gas increased just in the time she sat feeding her baby. She wished she had filled up when she first pulled in rather than after feeding her crying baby.

An active-duty Army family who is moving across the country on military orders had a difficult time scheduling the move of their household goods. Their assigned truck driver eventually explained that one of the major issues causing the national transportation crisis is the price of diesel for truckers.

Gas prices impact almost every aspect of the average American’s life. Whether making it harder to get to and from the job to which they are finally allowed to return, cutting into already stretched grocery money, or making summer vacations impossible, hardworking Americans are feeling the pain at the pump. Meanwhile, the Biden Administration flippantly suggests that people simply “buy electric” so they don’t have to worry about gas prices. In fact, senior Biden advisor Gene Sperling admitted on CNN that he has no idea what it feels like to suffer from historically high gas prices, saying, “I’m not gonna try to say I feel that pain personally.”

The Biden Administration is so out of touch with the American people that they simply cannot comprehend the hardships their failing environmental and energy policies are placing on hardworking Americans across the country. Their unrealistic green energy policies have already proven to be failures in states like California, where rolling blackouts have become a way of life for California citizens.

When I get to the House, I will stand up for the Americans and Missourians who have been forgotten and forsaken by the Biden Administration. I will only vote in ways that uplift and support our people. These are my people—my family, aunts, uncles, sons, daughters, mothers, and fathers. And no one will mistreat them and think of them as less-than. I will put our interests above globalist and special interests, and I will hold those who have tried to destroy America accountable. Most importantly, I will curb inflation by putting an end to runaway government spending and authoring legislation that will bring high-paying technical jobs to our District and rolling back regulations that are killing this economic development.

In their misguided attempt at environmentalism, the Biden Administration has not only made life harder for the average American, but they have also made the country more dependent on foreign and sometimes hostile nations for energy. When Americans felt the squeeze as Russia invaded Ukraine, Joe Biden turned to hostile nations like Venezuela, Iran, and Saudi Arabia, seeking oil deals with them to lessen the shortage. To no one’s surprise, Saudi Arabia refused to even take Biden’s phone call, perhaps one of the greatest global snubs aimed at the President of the United States of America and the leader of the (still) free world in recent history.

But the question is, why didn’t Joe Biden turn to our own nation? Why didn’t he open the pipelines he closed? Why didn’t he reinstate the federal drilling permits he suspended? Why didn’t he incentivize American oil and natural gas production by lifting restrictions he imposed?

While our country is suffering under the weight of a self-imposed energy crisis, why does our President turn to others rather than unshackling this nation and allowing us to be as great and productive as possible?

Because the Biden Administration does not actually care about the American people. The current leadership cares more about their narrative and agenda than they do about the suffering of hardworking American people. We need representatives in Washington who will fight for the interest of hardworking Americans above partisan political and social agendas. We need representatives who will push for American energy independence and self-sufficiency rather than allowing us to become dependent on hostile foreign nations.

As the representative for Missouri’s 4th district, I will stand up for hardworking Americans against partisan political agendas. I will fight for the priorities of Missouri’s people and keep the out-of-touch political elites in check. Ours is a great nation capable of great things when not hogtied by partisan politics, and my priority will be to untie those knots.

  • Kyle LaBrue is running for U.S. Congress to represent Missouri’s Fourth District, specifically to put American interests before globalist and special interests, to hold those who have defiled America accountable, and to curb inflation and out-of-control government spending that is directly affecting the livelihoods of the people of Middle Missouri.

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