- The Washington Times - Friday, June 24, 2022

Reactions from across the political spectrum poured in Friday as lawmakers and advocacy groups grasped the Supreme Court’s ruling that overturned Roe v. Wade.

Here is some of the celebration and outrage.

Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio, ranking Republican on the Judiciary Committee:  

“Life wins.”

Sen. Patty Murray, Washington Democrat:

“We aren’t going to stand idly by while they rip away abortion rights or go after birth control next,” she said on Twitter. “The American people will not forget Republicans’ cruelty—not today, not tomorrow, and not this November.”

Rep. Sara Jacobs, California Democrat:

She said the decision would “go down as one of the most destructive, regressive, and shameful decision made by the Supreme Court in our nation’s history.” 

Grazie Pozo Christie, a senior fellow with the Catholic Association:

“The pro-life movement has been fighting for this moment for 50 years. The Court’s unambiguous reversal of Roe and Casey is what the American people wanted and what the Constitution demanded. The people once more have a say in this issue of great moral consequence.”

Sen. Tom Cotton, Arkansas Republican:

“The Supreme Court has finally corrected this mistake and I highly commend the millions of Americans who toiled for years to achieve this great victory for unborn life and self-government.”

Sen. Mike Braun, Indiana Republican:

“I’m excited to see the states take the lead to protect the unborn, and I look forward to crafting solutions that will defend the unborn and save lives.”

New York City Mayor Eric Adams, Democrat:

“There is nothing to call this Supreme Court opinion but an affront to basic human rights and one that aims to shackle women and others in reproductive bondage. Reproductive care is health care, but, put simply, this decision puts lives at risk.”

Sen. Mark Warner, Virginia Democrat:

“This decision jeopardizes the health and autonomy of millions of American women and turns back the clock on nearly 50 years of settled and reaffirmed law – reflecting a Court that has increasingly issued politicized rulings that undermine the fundamental rights of Americans.”

Jeanne Mancini, president of March for Life:

“For nearly fifty years, the Supreme Court has imposed an unpopular and extreme abortion policy on our nation, but as the annual March for Life gives witness to, Roe’s allowance of abortion-on-demand, up-until-birth has never represented where most Americans stand on life!”

Joni Madison, interim president of the LGBTQ group Human Rights Campaign:

“When the Supreme Court is willing to throw 50 years of precedent out the window, it proves that we are at an exceedingly dangerous, unprecedented moment. The Court’s majority opinion does not reflect the will of our nation—two-thirds of whom support Roe v. Wade—but instead fulfills an extreme, out of step, ideological agenda.”

Margaret Huang, president and CEO of the Southern Poverty Law Center Action Fund:

“There have been significant moments in the Supreme Court’s history when it has issued shameful decisions that deny equal protection under the law to an entire group of people, and today is one of those days. This terrible ruling also endangers other fundamental rights, putting many other communities at risk. The constitutional rights in jeopardy include the right to contraception and equal rights for the LGBTQ+ community. “

Senate Minority leader Mitch McConnell, Kentucky Republican:

“The Supreme Court’s landmark ruling in Dobbs is courageous and correct. This is an historic victory for the Constitution and for the most vulnerable in our society.”

Sen Thom Tillis, North Carolina Republican:

“This ruling is historic and monumental and affirms my belief that all life is sacred. Each state government and its duly elected representatives will now make the determination about the types of laws they wish to have in place.”

Sen. John Thune, South Dakota Republican:

“Our country is dedicated to the defense of human rights, and I hope that we can further live up to that promise with the question of abortion now rightfully returned to the states, the democratic process, and to elected officials who can be held accountable to the American people for their decisions.”

Sen. Amy Klobuchar, Minnesota Democrat:

“Today six justices on the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. Their act, which disregards 50 years of precedent, will have harmful consequences for women across the country.”

Rep. Jerrold Nadler, New York Democrat:

“This radical rightwing Supreme Court has just ripped away a fundamental right that millions of Americans have relied on for nearly 50 years. This dangerous decision is a severe attack on women’s rights and a grave insult to human dignity.”

Ronna McDaniel, chairwoman of the Republican National Committee:

“Thank you to President Trump, Senate Republicans, and the millions of pro-life Americans who worked tirelessly for this day. LIFE WINS!”

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Liberal Party:

“The news coming out of the United States is horrific. My heart goes out to the millions of American women who are now set to lose their legal right to an abortion. I can’t imagine the fear and anger you are feeling right now.

“No government, politician, or man should tell a woman what she can and cannot do with her body. I want women in Canada to know that we will always stand up for your right to choose.”

• Joseph Clark can be reached at jclark@washingtontimes.com.

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