President Biden is a gutless, empty suit and traitor to our country. He is guilty of making deals behind closed doors with sworn enemies such as Iran, committing treason. He shows a yellow streak a mile wide as he lets Russian President Putin dictate to the world his contempt for the human race.

Recent news reports put out by Russia informed the world that two American veterans captured in Ukraine by Russia are being threatened with the death penalty. I was a Marine jungle-warfare fighter in Vietnam, and one of our mottos was “No man left behind.” The Israelis went a step further, protecting their people with the show of force. The enemy kills one of theirs and they respond in kind taking out a dozen for every one killed.

It was bad enough that Mr. Biden and his incompetent administration left Afghans and Americans at the mercy of the Taliban, but I just heard that out of 45,000 Afghans seeking sanctuary, a mere 5,000 applications have been granted.

The fact that Mr. Biden has ignored our southern border, allowing hundreds of thousands of illegals to enter our country should tell all he is derelict in his duties to protect us.

Every country in the world has watched Mr. Biden fall down on his face while the news media and his cohorts make up excuses. He comes across as a frail old man while our enemies, like sharks, smell blood in the water and wait to attack. I don’t think this country will not last another two years of Mr. Biden’s disastrous policies.

I keep hearing commentators “hope” that Mr. Biden will turn the situation around and do the right thing by everyone, but that will not happen. Before we all lose our country, Mr. Biden should be impeached for violating his oath of office.


Warrenville, South Carolina

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