- The Washington Times - Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Jennifer Lopez introduced her daughter Emme at a recent Los Angeles event as “they” and “them” — confusing listeners and next-day media readers, while also advancing an agenda that is sheer lunacy and, truth be told, abusive to children.

Enough of the normalization of mental disorders.

Enough of adults thinking it’s cute to pretend their children are something they’re not and pushing the rest of the world to join in the deception. Isn’t this why taxpayers fund social workers?

Emme Maribel Muñiz, 14, is a girl. She’s a girl who has a twin brother named Maximilian “Max” David Muñiz, both of whom were fathered by former Lopez partner Marc Anthony.

But search online for the sex of these kids, and it’s about as difficult to discover as the password to top-secret Pentagon files.


LGBTQ agenda, that’s why.

The transgender crowd has successfully sold the idea through media that boys can become girls simply by dressing as girls — and adding to the confusion, making it off-limits to even suggest that there’s such a thing as girls’ clothing. This same crowd then crows about the discriminatory nature of insisting on separate sexes, saying instead that such matters are up to the decision of the individual, or individuals, in the case of those who prefer to use a plural pronoun, rather than singular, to self-describe.

Alice, welcome to the tea party.

The LGBTQ agenda is Mad Hatter crazy, if nothing else.

This is how Lopez introduced her daughter for a singing duet at Dodger Stadium: “The last time we performed together was in a big stadium like that and I ask them to sing with me all the time and they won’t. So this is a very special occasion. They are very, very busy. Booked. And pricey.”

What the you-know-what is she talking about? Insert “she” for “they” and “her” for “them” and it all makes sense: She — J.Lo — is talking about her daughter, Emme.

More from the crazy: “They cost me when they come out. But they’re worth every single penny because they’re my favorite duet partner of all time. So if you will indulge me.”

The two — Lopez and her daughter, Emme — then sang “A Thousand Years,” after which the media fawned.

But just because J.Lo is wealthy, famous and attractive doesn’t mean she’s not guilty of the same type of child abuse all the wayward parents in the world are committing by pretending their kids can be whatever sex they want to be, including none at all. Males are males, and females are females and God is the one in charge of deciding that specific DNA. No amount of clothing, no amount of medication, no amount of surgery changes what God has ordained.

Adults who force or allow their children to believe otherwise aren’t just doing disservices to their kids; they’re setting the ones they claim to love up for lives of psychological disturbances, leading to all kinds of physical problems.

“An alarming 42% of LGBTQ youth seriously considered attempting suicide in the past year,” Forbes wrote in May 2021.

And a year later, it was this, as written in Time: “A new study by the LGBTQ suicide prevention nonprofit The Trevor Project found that over the past three years, the rates of suicidal thoughts have trended upward among LGBTQ youth in America.”

Even Hillary Clinton thinks Democrats ought to quiet down on the transgender front.

“Democrats seem to be going out of their way to lose elections by elevating activist causes, notably the transgender debate, which are relevant only to a small minority,” Clinton said in a recent interview with a Financial Times writer. She then referenced the LGBTQ woke attacks on “Harry Potter” series author J.K. Rowling — a noted liberal, by the way — and added, “What sense does it make to depict JK Rowling as a fascist?”


None but to the LGBTQ faction, the lie of sex-change and pronoun-neutral is one that cannot be watered. It’s all or nothing. It’s all aboard — and drown all the dissenters.

And the more celebrities move LGBTQ mainstream — the more media fawns over celebrities moving LGBTQ mainstream — the more America’s youngest and most innocent are corrupted and exploited.

The psychological disorder called gender dysphoria is just that, a mental problem. And the fate of America’s family, which is the foundation of society and therefore a foundation of all of our future freedoms, depends on the ability of American citizens to keep that diagnosis and label intact — no matter which celebrity says otherwise.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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