- The Washington Times - Monday, June 20, 2022

France’s conservative faction just scored big in recent legislative elections, setting President Emmanuel Macron and his leftist agenda on notice and saying, in essence, the people don’t want no stinkin’ socialist economy.

Take note, Democrats. This is you, come November.

“[T]he view that France is shifting to the left was called into question by the performance of the far-right National Rally party, which increased its seats by six to a total of 89,” as Reuters wrote.

The party has moved mainstream.

All it needs now is a motto like “France First” and the globalists will really be shaking in their boots.

Next up, President Marine Le Pen?

Le Pen, leader of the National Rally, formerly called National Front, won 42% of the vote in the April presidential election — not so much to beat Macron, but enough to put the fear of you know what in the leftists who’ve tried, as they do in America, to sell the idea the nation has moved decidedly and permanently left. Not so. Not so fast.

Macron has overseen an economy that has sent prices soaring. That, plus two years of coronavirus crackdowns have left the voters wearied by leftism.

Macron is kind of screwed now on pushing his agenda.

“Without a majority of his own, Macron will find it more difficult to pursue further reforms,” said one European economist, to CNBC.


“We can’t say that President Macron has been rebutted, but there’s a bit of a warning there for sure,” said one Macron spokesperson to CNBC.

Yes, indeed.

“We have achieved our three objectives: that of making Emmanuel Macron a minority president, without control of power and that of pursuing the political recomposition essential to democratic renewal,” Le Pen told reporters, post-election.

Yep. Yes, indeed. And so goes France — so goes America. The same policies and agendas that have been frustrating the French under Macron have been nipping at the heels of Americans under President Biden. America’s economy, America’s lingering coronavirus clampdowns — America’s inability to stock baby formula and tampons on store shelves — are all coming together to form a perfectly dissatisfied Democrat block of voters who will be searching for new candidates, new hope and change, for this election and this coming presidential election.

The rise of conservatism, the fall of globalism: It’s very definitely in the air. 

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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