“Doctors fight Biden’s abortion pill push” (Page 1, July 7) delineates a frightening argument by the Biden administration, which wishes to make a “chemical abortion medication” available to pregnant women by mail “without an in-person clinic visit.”

According to Times reporter Valerie Richardson, “Dr. Christina Francis, a board certified OB-GYN in Fort Wayne, Indiana” said the “at-home use of these medications is dangerous for many reasons.” Another doctor interviewed for the piece points out, “By not having an ultrasound, by allowing home use, you have 1 out of 50 women who are at risk of dying …”

What would the Biden administration have done upon taking office if the COVID-19 vaccines developed under Project Warp Speed were considered to be unproven or unreliable enough to risk killing 1 out of every 50 people who received one? What would the news media or the public have done, for that matter?

This administration is contemplating a war on pregnant women and their unborn sons and/or daughters. President Biden and his cohorts seem to be OK with killing all the unborn children in question as well as 1 of every 50 expectant mothers. This front-page article by Ms. Richardson is the first serious evaluation of this potentially deadly White House policy.

This is not a question of pro-life or pro-choice; it is a question of legalizing murder. Mr. Biden seems to have no problem killing or at least not protecting people of the United States from fatal harm (just ask the families of the 13 military members killed in his disastrous retreat from Afghanistan). These two actions may seem unrelated, but the leaders in place are driving both situations.


Bowie, Maryland

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