If ever there were an award for willful blindness and cowardice in the face of great danger, it should go to President Biden for his efforts on the Iran nuclear deal. He is sitting on his hands while Iran moves forward in becoming a dangerous nuclear power. In fact, Mr. Biden has exhibited willful blindness for months while Iran moves closer to its completion of nuclear weapons. He has also ignored Iran’s status as the world’s biggest sponsor of terrorism.

In examining the record of Mr. Biden, the name Neville Chamberlain comes to mind. Chamberlain’s name, of course, has become synonymous with appeasement.

Mr. Biden’s domestic policies are terrible, too. The prosperity brought on by former President Donald Trump is evaporating. Inflation is raging and gasoline prices are sky-high. America is no longer energy independent. The almost completed XL Keystone Pipeline was canceled on day one of the Biden presidency. Furthermore, the federal government has greatly limited exploration and drilling for new petroleum.

In order to lower the price of gasoline, Mr. Biden has tapped millions of barrels from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, a policy akin to withdrawing money from your bank account. It will only make America more vulnerable to an oil boycott.

Better leadership is clearly needed. The news media has a responsibility to present information to the public that is relevant and accurate. The liberal bias is damaging but the radical-agenda bias is devastating. As our Founding Fathers noted, a well-informed populace is necessary for democracy to thrive. The current problems can be traced to inadequate news media reporting.


Boca Raton, Florida

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