- Sunday, July 24, 2022

With less than two weeks until Arizona’s August 2nd primary and early voting underway, Arizonans must elect the strongest conservative possible to defeat Democrat Tom O’Halleran in the general election.  I am honored to be endorsed by President Donald Trump. Mr. Trump is a visionary who transformed the conservative movement. The present and the future of the GOP is America First thanks to his leadership.

In an official statement, Mr. Trump said, “Eli is running for Congress in the Great State of Arizona. Eli is a retired Navy SEAL and successful businessman who proudly served and loves our incredible, but seriously under siege, County. Eli will fight for Election Integrity, Secure the Border, Support our Military and Vets, and Defend the Second Amendment. With Eli as the Republican Nominee, we will defeat Democrat Tom O’Halleran, a puppet of Nancy Pelosi, who is weak on Borders, the Second Amendment, Election Integrity, and is a disgrace to the people of Arizona. Eli Crane has my Complete and Total Endorsement!” 

My outspokenness against the widespread fraud of the 2020 election helped me earn endorsements from America First patriots such as Mark Finchem, Wendy Rogers, Sonny Borelli, Trump advisor Bernie Kerik, as well as Gregg Phillips and Catherine Engelbrecht of True the Vote. I am also the only candidate in the race endorsed by the National Border Patrol Council. Last July, I decided to run for Congress because I was tired of seeing the greatest nation on earth destroyed from within by radical leftists. I was also disgusted by the endless failures of the incompetent Biden Administration.

A recent poll from Moore Information Group reveals that I currently hold a 7% lead in the primary over my nearest competitor. My lead jumps to 38% when voters learn about my background. I bring a unique resume to the table with five wartime deployments, three to Iraq as a Navy SEAL. I also founded a multimillion-dollar business out of my one-car garage. 

In Congress, my top priorities will be promoting the America First agenda, pushing back against Biden, Pelosi, and their leftist enablers, and holding bad actors such as Dr. Fauci and Secretary Mayorkas accountable. The American people deserve real action taken against these autocrats for their transgressions. Specifically, we must immediately seal the Southern Border to stop the invasion, restore Election Integrity, fight for fiscal responsibility, and win the culture war against the socialists and Marxists. When I got out of the Navy, I thought I was done fighting. At this fulcrum point in history, America needs men and women of courage and character to help save this country that we love. 

While attending the University of Arizona, I dropped out of school my senior year to join the Navy the week after 9/11. After completing our nation’s most grueling military training, I joined SEAL Team 3 and served alongside our nation’s finest in Iraq as a sniper. Following five wartime deployments, my wife, Jen, and I started a small business out of our one-car garage. My company, Bottle Breacher, which turns .50 caliber shells into bottle openers, went on to be one of the most successful Shark Tank companies of all time after landing a deal on the hit TV show. Although Shark Tank cut ties with our company following my endorsement of Mr. Trump, I withstood external pressure to move our manufacturing and jobs overseas and instead chose to employ Arizona veterans and remain a Made in the USA company. 

I am the strongest candidate in this race and determined to defeat Tom O’Halleran in November. With Mr. O’Halleran running unopposed in the Democratic primary, his war chest will continue to grow. My campaign has set four consecutive fundraising records in the district despite the average donation being less than $35.

Arizonans need a warfighter to address corruption in Washington. We also need a political outsider. I am a faith-oriented family man with business experience and a proven commitment to service. I believe that I possess the courage, real-world experience, and skills necessary to combat the radical left. My combination of endorsements, America First policy stances, and fundraising prowess prove I am the best candidate to retire Tom O’Halleran this November. 

  • Eli Crane is a former U.S. Navy SEAL, small-business owner of the Shark Tank award-winning company Bottle Breacher, and America First candidate for U.S. Congress in Arizona’s 2nd Congressional District.

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