China may strive to be the world’s newest superpower, but it is hard to take seriously when it reacts with such hysteria over the travel plans of the U.S. House speaker (“China threatens strong response if Pelosi visits Taiwan,” Web, July 19). The time is well past due to explain to the Chinese Communist Party that Taiwan’s fate must be decided by the people of Taiwan alone.

Chinese President Xi Jinping needs to understand that Taiwan is an independent democracy and attempting to take the island by force will have serious military and economic repercussions for China. The Chinese regime needs to emulate Taiwan, not the other way around, for China to realize its true potential.

Now the Chinese are telling Congress what to do? Does Washington now have to submit all government travel for preapproval by the CCP? Newt Gingrich visited Taiwan in 1997, well after the three communiques signed between the U.S. and China. If there is one issue that can unify a polarized Congress, it is protecting Taiwan. I’m glad Nancy Pelosi, second in line to the presidency, is making a trip there. We need more of this attitude. No amount of bluster should stop any U.S. official from visiting the island.

If the U.S. wants to retain its identity as the beacon of democracy in a troubled world, it must help protect Taiwan.


Advisory Commissioner, Overseas Community Affairs Council

Republic of China (Taiwan) in the United States

Potomac Falls, Virginia

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