- The Washington Times - Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Stormy weather could be lurking on the national radar in the very near future.

President Biden is being urged to declare a climate emergency, which may happen as early as this week. If he does, the irony will be rich, as the 911 call should really be for the climate agenda,” Steve Milloy, a senior legal fellow with the Energy and Environment Legal Institute, advised in an essay for Real Clear Politics.

“The president apparently hopes to take advantage of the ongoing record-setting European heat wave and string of wildfires, and an ongoing heat wave in the U.S. Midwest,” he wrote.

“While it certainly is very hot in Europe and the Midwest, it is relatively cool elsewhere. The unfortunate reality for Biden’s planned exploitation is that today’s average global temperature per the University of Maine is a mere 0.2C warmer than the average from 1979-2000. It’s called ‘global warming,’ and yet there’s really not much of that occurring,” Mr. Milloy said.

“And although the media is trying to fan the flames of climate hysteria with images of Europe burning, the reality is that wildfires in Europe have been declining since the 1980s despite ever-increasing CO2 emissions. And let’s not forget that despite lots of emissions over the years, June 2022 was cooler than June 2002 and there has been no global warming in seven years and 10 months,” Mr. Milloy continued.

He also cited a recent New York Times/Siena College poll which found that only 1% of voters prioritize climate issues.

Biden may declare a climate emergency, but there is no reason for it, and there is nothing he could legally or beneficially accomplish by himself anyway. The good news for Biden, if he cares to embrace it, is that the public doesn’t care about climate amid all our other ongoing problems.” Mr. Milloy wrote.

“Take the exit, Joe,” he concluded.


Who would win in the 2024 presidential election if it was held today? Here are some succinct findings from a Trafalgar Group poll revealing current voter preference in a theoretical electoral bout between former President Donald Trump and President Biden.

And a little note: The percentages of the following results were not rounded up or down, and have been left just as they arrived — every original percentage intact.

The survey revealed that Mr. Trump would sneak by Mr. Biden with 47.9% of the total vote; Mr. Biden would land 42.6% of the support with 9.6% of the respondents undecided.

Let’s delve into the deep numbers. The poll also revealed that 80% of Republican voters would support Mr. Trump, compared to 68.8% of Democrats who would support Mr. Biden.

Among those voters who supported some “other” party or did not favor any particular party, 46.4% would choose Mr. Trump, compared to 44.1% who favored Mr. Biden.

Meanwhile, 12.6% of Republican voters would head over to the other side and support Mr. Biden. Democratic voters appear to waver here: 19.6% said they’d vote for Mr. Trump. That’s about a fifth of Democrats who would opt for Mr. Trump at this time.

Indecision is still a factor. Among Republicans, 7.4% remain undecided about who they would choose, compared to 11.6% of Democrats.

The Trafalgar Group Poll of 1,085 likely general election voters was conducted July 11-14.


Military Vets in Journalism was founded in 2019 with a mission to attract more veterans to the press. It also offers helpful opportunities for vets who have a calling to join the media ranks.

In partnership with the National Association of Broadcasters, the group will send six veterans to attend the association’s annual “NAB Show” in New York City in October — all expenses paid.

But wait, there’s more. MVJ now offers “reporting grants” for those journalists who also served their country.

“This program helps aspiring journalists grow professionally in their reporting careers and publish quality stories about issues related to disabilities in the military veteran community. Grant amounts vary depending on the story, and start at $500. MVJ has a total budget of $50,000 for all grants under this program, so we recommend interested parties apply as soon as possible,” the organization advises.

“MVJ is not a publishing organization — nor do we plan to be. But we care about developing the careers of military vets in journalism. So, if you are selected, we can help you shape your story and assist in getting the story placed. We’d like you to have an idea of where you want to publish your story,” the organization advises prospective writers.

Find the details and a lot more at MVJ.network.


The National Republican Congressional Committee keeps tabs on public opinion on a regular basis. Here are a few findings the organization has shared with Inside the Beltway:

“Bloomberg reports nearly six in 10 U.S. workers are concerned their paycheck ‘is not enough to support them and their family,’ a poll released Wednesday showed. A new Fox News poll found voters ‘prefer the Republican candidate’ if they are extremely concerned about inflation — by 15 percentage points,” the GOP committee advised in a statement shared with Inside the Beltway.

Meanwhile, President Biden is “30 percentage points underwater on the economy,” according to the most recent Real Clear Politics average, the organization said.

“The inflation crisis caused by Democrats’ reckless spending is crushing American families — and polls clearly show voters know who is responsible for destroying the economy,” committee spokesperson Mike Berg said, also in a statement to Inside the Beltway.


• 59% of registered U.S. voters say there is now a “greater chance” of a new Cold War with Russia compared to five years ago; 73% of those who voted for former President Donald Trump and 62% of those who voted for President Biden in 2020 agree.

• 16% overall say the chances of a Cold War are “about the same”; 11% of Trump voters and 19% of Biden voters also agree.

• 15% “don’t know” if the chances are “greater”; 9% of Trump voters and 10% of Biden voters also agree.

• 10% overall say there is “less of a chance” of a Cold War now; 6% of Trump voters and 9% of Biden voters also agree.

SOURCE: An Economist/YouGov poll of 1,265 registered U.S. voters conducted July 16-19.

• Follow Jennifer Harper on Twitter @HarperBulletin.

• Jennifer Harper can be reached at jharper@washingtontimes.com.

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