- The Washington Times - Saturday, July 16, 2022

America needs Donald Trump to run again for president, if only to reset the Great Reset clock the globalists have been able to tick forward under the feckless administration of Joe Biden.

Biden hasn’t simply been a disaster for America’s economy. He’s also been a shining star of success for the globalists who want to destroy American Exceptionalism.

Conversely, Trump wasn’t simply a success for America’s economy. He was also a dark and gloomy death knell to the globalists who wanted to destroy American Exceptionalism. 

Any questions? From America First to America Last, it’s high time to usher in America First once again — quickly —  before there’s no America left to usher.

Perhaps the best reason why America needs Trump to run again comes right from the mouths and pens of those who most hated Trump, the elites in global governance.

In a February 2020 piece aimed at pointing out the perceived disparities of the then-president’s pro-America policies, Council on Foreign Relations fellow Steward Patrick wrote, “The liberal international order was no mirage, and it did not arise by accident.” He then referenced the pro-globalist visions of presidents Franklin D. Roosevelt and Harry Truman, both of whom set in motion a system of “international law” and government by “international institutions,” as he went on to explain how more globalism, less sovereign pro-Americanism, was needed.

“[But] that order is now gone,” Patrick pined, arguing that only a new globalist-minded leader with a determination to start a White House term by “sweeping out Trump’s trash” — that is to say, the America First agenda — could bring a return to the “liberal world order.”

Catch the phrase?

Liberal world order is One World Order is New World Order is Great Reset is “Build Back Better” — that last being Biden’s pet phrase for it. It’s all one and the same. It’s all America Last. It’s all anti-American.

Patrick more specifically called for this post-Trump America to “rejuvenate relations” with foreign governing structures that are friendly to the “liberal world order,” such as the International Monetary Fund, the United Nations, the G-20 and the World Trade Organization; to focus on an “international economic agenda” that meets the smell test of these global organizations — meaning, more socialist than capitalist; and basically, to “commit to a more sensitive and responsive form of globalization,” he wrote.

That was early 2020, under Trump. But my, a couple years later, hasn’t Biden done well by these globalist visions.

America’s inflation is hitting rates not seen in 40 years. Gas prices are double or more what they were just a year-and-a-half ago. Baby formula, tampons — still hard to find at grocery stores. And the big items of concern for this White House? Abortion. Abortion and gun control. Making sure girls and women have easy-peasy access to abortion across the United States, and stripping guns from the hands of lawful gun owners any which way they can. 

Meanwhile, the transgender movement has spun into crazy high gear, with men dressed as women dancing for dollars in front of children in LGBTQ-friendly clubs, and liberals in states like California are ramping up rhetoric to put masks back on the faces of all their citizens. Science? What science? School’s about to start and the teachers’ unions have to get this year’s allotment of tax money for protective gear, dontcha know. Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, the World Health Organization are all advising, recommending, demanding a return to mass face masking, mass social distancing, mass shots and more shots, and boosters and more boosters — more making way for more mass COVID-19 mayhem. The globalists of the world love us again; mostly, because they can take advantage of us again.

And Biden’s off and begging foreign leaders for enough oil to lower fuel prices through November elections, after which climate alarmism will take front and center once again, bringing with it massive hikes in energy and production costs.

“Can Trump’s Successor Save the Liberal International Order?” asked Patrick in his February 2020 essay.

Yes, indeed he can. Indeed he is.

And that is exactly why America needs Trump to win the White House once again — because his successor, Biden, has been far too successful in helping globalists conquer this country. It’s going to take a tried-and-tested, take-no-prisoners, unapologetically pro-America, America First president like Trump to bring the pendulum back to a more constitutional base. If America is to survive, our next commander-in-chief must be Trump strong.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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