- The Washington Times - Monday, January 3, 2022

If President Joe Biden had any ambitions to ring in the new year with newfound favorability among the American people, he can put that dream back in the box. His most recent poll numbers show he’s opened 2022 with a near five-point trail to Donald Trump in a fictional matchup.

How low can Joe go.

There’s a bumper sticker for the times.

If Biden is truly — as he’s stated on numerous occasions — going to seek another White House term in 2024, he’ll need to address his falling, falling, fallen favor with the American public.

As Newsweek just summarized, an average of Real Clear Politics polling “shows Trump leading Biden by 4.8 percentage points. About 46 percent of voters support the former president and just 41.2 percent back [Biden].”

That’s pretty sucky.

But that’s been Biden’s claim to fame shortly into his administration: he’s the king of sucky. And boy, do the Democrats and socialists who’ve taken over the Democrat Party know this. 

“[Biden’s] deeply unpopular,” said Corbin Trent, an ex-Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez communications spokesman, Fox News reported. “He’s old as s—-. He’s largely been ineffective … and I think he’ll probably get demolished in the midterms.”


Americans are sick and tired of tired Joe Biden.

He’s been the best thing to happen for Republicans in months.

While leftists like Ocasio-Cortez and her socialist type whine about Biden’s inaction on climate change and inability to get passed the Build Back Better redistribution of wealth scheme, sane-thinking Americans who care about capitalism, the Constitution and their kids decry this White House’s messaging on economic freedoms, civil liberties and education.

Sanity appears to be winning.

Biden’s dwindling poll numbers aren’t simply the result of conservative participation in surveys. Independents, the all-crucial independents, are losing patience with this administration, as well. They have been for some time — and this White House has yet to come up with a fix.

Joe Biden has a major independents problem,” CNN wrote in October.

Biden Has Clipped With Independents,” The Cook Political Report wrote in November.

“Independents Believe U.S. Is Heading in Wrong Direction,” Newsweek wrote in early December.

Now here we are, rounding the curve on a new year.

FiveThirtyEight’s most recent numbers, from Dec. 31, put Biden with 42% approval and 57% disapproval among likely voters.

Poll numbers aren’t to be trusted. They’re glimpses in time, often skewed by pundits, politicians and members of the press alike. But polls that consistently, unwaveringly, without exception, always trend down, down, down and foreshadow gloom, doom and loss ought to be given more than a passing glance — especially when the statistics reflect serious changes among key groups. 

“Dems plot escape from Biden’s poll woes,” Politico wrote in early December.

That speaks volumes. 

That says all that’s need to be known.

Biden, an old man who campaigned from his basement so that he didn’t have to put his physical frailties and mental incapacities on public display, is so bad at leading that even his own party doesn’t want him.

Maybe he can find comfort in the fact Russia, China, North Korea and Iran probably do.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Socialists Don’t Sleep: Christians Must Rise Or America Will Fall,” is available by clicking HERE.

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