In the largest sortie of the new year, China flew 39 warplanes toward Taiwan on Jan 24. In the meantime, Vladimir Putin is gathering troops on the Ukraine border for a possible invasion. It’s not hard to imagine a scenario whereby a misunderstood signal or action could lead to a deadly incident in the Taiwan Strait. American policy makers ought to understand that these two events can’t be viewed in isolation.

President Xi Jinping is taking stock of the U.S. mood and watching Washington’s actions in Ukraine closely as he decides what steps to take. If the U.S. is unwilling to fight for Ukraine, he is surely thinking, how much will it care about the Taiwan Strait?

Taiwan is a shining success story for U.S. efforts to promote prosperity and freedom in the world. It is an economic powerhouse that punches well above its weight in global commerce, and its economy, which has built a daunting lead in semiconductor technology, is closely intertwined with the whole world. If Taiwan is to fall under control of Beijing, American interests would be affected far more severely than they would be by a Russian attack on Ukraine.

Taiwan is the center of gravity of Chinese security policy. The need for a U.S. policy of definite strategic clarity toward Taiwan has never been more urgent. As tensions increase around the world, the U.S. cannot afford a miscalculation in dealing with Russia and China. If President Biden doesn’t ensure Russia pays a high price for its aggression against Ukraine, it will send a message to China that it can attack Taiwan with impunity. America must not idly stand by; the Taiwan Strait is absolutely treacherous.


Advisory Commissioner

The Overseas Community Affairs Council of

Republic of China (Taiwan) in the United States

Potomac Falls, Va.

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