- The Washington Times - Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Biden administration’s go-to policy wonk for all-things-coronavirus, said it’s “prudent” to “prepare” a vaccine that specifically targets omicron.

Then in the next breath, he said it’s not necessarily necessary.

And with that, bam — Fauci brings his trademark flip-floppiness to America’s COVID-19 stage.

“It makes sense to think in terms of at least having ready an omicron specific boost,” Fauci told MSNBC. “We may not need it. … But I think it’s prudent to at least prepare for the possibility that this may be a persistent variant that we may have to face, even if it’s at a very low level.”

The king of obfuscation has spoken.

Now it’s incumbent on the American people to jump.

Do not ask how high, either.

Re-read his words: “It makes sense” can just as easily be flipped to say it makes no sense. “To think in terms of at least” is a mumbo-jumbo way of saying nothing. “We may not need it” followed by “but” is about as non-factual, non-scientific, non-clear as it comes. “I think it’s prudent” is Fauci’s special brand of science — the kind that says “I am science; hear me roar!” — the kind that he’s been able to get away with saying for two years now, knowing fully well the water carriers in the media and the leftists bent on control in politics will take those recommendations, those “prudent” cautions and suggestions, and run roughshod with them as musts, as need-to-dos, as mandates. Fauci’s “prudent” preparations have led America toward tyranny. 

“[I]t’s prudent to at least prepare for the possibility that this may be —” yada, yada, yada. 

“[T]his may be a persistent variant that we may have to face —” yada, yada, yada.

Maybe. Possibly. Potentially. Could be. May be. Might be. Perhaps. Perchance. How many ways can this guy come up with to dodge clarity?

“Why Anthony Fauci’s time has passed,” a recent Washington Post opinion read.

Well passed.

Pfizer just announced trials for an omicron booster vaccine. The company, along with its partnering BioNTech just began trials for its two-dose booster.

And Fauci just gave an endorsement of the shot. Or did he?

There’s that famous Fauci obfuscation again. He speaks in riddles and waits for others to interpret as they see fit — so long as the way they see fit results in the all-vaccinations, all-the-time viewpoints he wholeheartedly embraces. And if they don’t? He takes to national TV to whisper the next disguised policy order, by way of potential, perhaps, possible messaging.

“I represent science,” Fauci declared in November.

Not really.

Not even the slightest bit true.

But his remark is commendable in at least one regard. It’s the clearest thing he’s said in two years.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Socialists Don’t Sleep: Christians Must Rise Or America Will Fall,” is available by clicking HERE.

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