- The Washington Times - Friday, January 21, 2022

A pro-life advocacy group is pouring $72 million into key battleground states in a bid to elect pro-life candidates in the 2022 midterms.

Mallory Carroll, vice president of communications for the Susan B. Anthony List, said during Friday’s March for Life in Washington that the organization believes the recent legal battles over restrictive abortion laws in Texas and Mississippi give pro-life candidates momentum heading into November’s races.

“As the marchers head up to the Supreme Court, we know the justices are in there debating the future of Roe v. Wade,” Ms. Carroll said.

The $72 million will fund 6 million door-to-door visits by volunteers in North Carolina, Florida, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan, organizers said.

“We want to stop the pro-abortion agenda of the Biden administration,” Ms. Carroll said.

Pro-life activists are increasingly confident that the Supreme Court’s 6-3 conservative majority will uphold Mississippi’s ban on abortions after just 15 weeks of pregnancy in the Dobbs case now pending before them.

Benjamin Clapper, head of Louisiana Right to Life, said the Susan B. Anthony List initiative can build on that momentum by reaching beyond just “red states” like his own.

“It’s critical that we inform voters of the extreme stance of President Biden and pro-abortion senators and congressmen,” Mr. Clapper said. “Together, the pro-life movement must win in November to take a step towards a pro-life America.”

Chris Butler, a Christian pastor and pro-life Democrat running to replace retiring pro-choice Democratic Rep. Bobby Rush in a South Side Chicago congressional district, said that the political winds seem favorable for pro-life candidates who present themselves as compassionate in November. He spoke to the Democrats for Life of America at a breakfast event Friday morning before the annual march.

“In order for this movement to thrive, we have to remember that there is more to life than being born,” Mr. Butler told The Washington Times. “If a woman who has had an abortion cannot find that compassion, understanding and restoration within our movement, she will settle for the cheap justification offered by the pro-abortion crowd.”

Kristen Day, head of Democrats for Life of America, said she hopes the Susan B. Anthony List and other pro-life fundraisers will remember Democrats in blue states as well.

“I would encourage them to invest in races in blue areas like Pastor Butler’s race,” Ms. Day said.

• Sean Salai can be reached at ssalai@washingtontimes.com.

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